Some Causes of Perforation

Area of Perforation



Anywhere along the digestive tract


Foreign bodies


Forceful vomiting

Injury caused by a medical procedure

Esophageal rupture is typically caused by an endoscope, balloon dilator, or bougie (a thin cylinder-shaped instrument).

Swallowing strong corrosive material

Typically, battery acid or lye is swallowed.

Stomach or the first segment of the small intestine (duodenum)

Peptic ulcer disease

Perforation in this area can occur in people who have had no previous ulcer symptoms.

Swallowing strong corrosive material

Such material typically damages the stomach rather than the small intestine.


A blockage that cuts off the blood supply to the intestine (strangulating obstruction)

Possibly appendicitis and Meckel diverticulitis


A blockage (obstruction)

Blockage typically results from cancer or impacted stool.


People who are taking prednisone or other medications that inhibit the immune system (immunosuppressants) are at high risk of developing diverticulitis. However, these people may have few symptoms.

Inflammatory bowel disease (such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease)

Expansion of the large intestine (toxic megacolon)

Sometimes spontaneous


Injury that occurs during surgical removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) or liver biopsy

Rarely, inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis)

Injury may be to the gallbladder or bile ducts.

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