Baadhi ya Visababishaji na Vipengele vya Dalili Zinazohusiana na Gesi


Common Features*



Air swallowing

People with or without awareness of swallowing air

Sometimes in people who smoke or chew gum excessively

Sometimes in people who have esophageal reflux or ill-fitting dentures

A doctor’s examination

Gas from carbonated beverages

Beverage consumption usually obvious based on person’s history

A doctor’s examination

Distention or bloating

Air swallowing

See Belching, above

A doctor’s examination

Irritable bowel syndrome

Abdominal pain related to defecation, associated with a change in the frequency or consistency of stool, or both

No warning signs

Typically begins during adolescence and the 20s

A doctor’s examination

Examination of stool

Blood tests

Poor emptying of the stomach (gastroparesis), usually due to other disorders such as diabetes, connective tissue disorders, or neurologic disorders

Nausea, abdominal pain, and sometimes vomiting

Early fullness (satiety)

Sometimes in people known to have a disorder that causes it

Sometimes in people taking medications with anticholinergic effects

Upper endoscopy‡ and/or nuclear scanning that evaluates stomach emptying

If a medication cause is suspected, stopping the medication to see whether symptoms go away

Eating disorders

Long-standing symptoms, particularly in young women

In people who are thin but still very concerned about excess body weight

A doctor’s examination

Chronic constipation

A long history of hard, infrequent bowel movements

A doctor’s examination

Pressure measurements of the anus and rectum (anorectal manometry)

Cancer (rarely) of the ovary or large intestine

New, persistent bloating in middle-aged or older adults

For colon cancer, sometimes blood in stool (blood may be visible or detected during a doctor's examination)

If ovarian cancer is suspected, ultrasonography of the pelvis

If colon cancer is suspected, colonoscopy

Passing of gas (flatulence)

Foods, including beans, dairy products, vegetables (such as onions, celery, carrots, or Brussels sprouts), fruits (such as raisins, bananas, apricots, and dates or apple, pear, or prune juice), and foods containing fructose (such as cola sodas, honey, or nuts), prunes, or waffle or maple syrup, or complex carbohydrates (such as pretzels, bagels, or wheat germ)

Symptoms that develop mainly when food that can cause gas is consumed

A doctor’s examination

Elimination of the suspected food from diet to see whether symptoms go away

Lactose intolerance

Bloating, cramps, and diarrhea after consuming milk products

A breath test to detect hydrogen, indicating undigested food

Celiac disease

Light-colored, soft, bulky, and unusually foul-smelling stools that may appear oily

Weakness, loss of appetite, and diarrhea

Often begins in childhood but may occur later

Blood tests to measure antibodies produced when people with celiac disease eat foods containing gluten and biopsy of the upper small intestine

Tropical sprue

Light-colored, soft, bulky, and unusually foul-smelling stools that may appear oily

Nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and weight loss

Blood tests and biopsy of the small intestine

* Features include symptoms and the results of the doctor's examination. Features mentioned are typical but not always present.

† Doctors usually do a urine pregnancy test for all girls and women of childbearing age.

‡ Upper endoscopy is examination of the esophagus, stomach, and the first segment of the small intestine (duodenum) using a flexible viewing tube called an endoscope.

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