- Muhtasari wa Mvunjiko
- Mivunjiko ya Growth Plate
- Mivunjiko ya Mtulinga
- Mivunjiko ya Mkono wa Juu
- Mivunjiko ya Kiwiko
- Mivunjiko ya Kiganja cha Kati
- Mivunjiko ya Kifundo cha Mkono
- Mivunjiko ya Mkono
- Mivunjiko ya Kiganja
- Mivunjiko ya Kidole
- Uti wa Mgongo Kuvunjika kwa Kubanwa
- Mivunjiko ya Fupanyonga
- Mivunjiko ya Kiuno
- Mivunjiko ya Mguu
- Mivunjiko ya Kifundo cha Mguu
- Mivunjiko wa Mfupa wa Kisigino
- Mivunjiko ya Kanyagio
- Mivunjiko ya Kidole cha Mguu
- Mivunjiko ya Sesamoid
- Mivunjiko ya Mfupa wa Metatarsal
- Ugonjwa wa Kuongezeka kwa Shinikizo Kwenye Misuli
Fractures may occur in the two small round bones at the base of the big toe (sesamoid bones).
Sesamoid bones may fracture while running, hiking, or participating in sports that involve coming down too hard on the ball of the foot (such as basketball and tennis). (See also Overview of Fractures.)
Usually, if the sesamoid bones are broken, walking causes a deep achy or sharp pain in the ball of the foot behind the big toe. The area may be swollen and red.
If doctors suspect a sesamoid fracture, x-rays are taken. If x-ray results are unclear, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be done.
Matibabu ya Mivunjiko ya Sesamoid
Use of a specially designed shoe
If pain continues, possibly surgery
If the sesamoid bones are fractured but not out of place, wearing a flat, rigid shoe specially designed to keep the pieces of bones from moving may be all that is needed. These shoes are designed to be worn by people who have had a foot fracture. They have an open toe and Velcro fasteners.
Using padding or specially constructed insoles (orthoses) for the shoe helps relieve the pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help relieve the pain and swelling.
If pain continues, the broken sesamoid bone may need to be removed surgically. However, removal of one or both of these bones may affect the ability to move the foot.