- Saratani ya tundu la haja kubwa
- Saratani ya Utumbo Mpana
- Uchunguzi wa Saratani ya Utumbo Mpana na Rektamu
- Saratani ya Umio
- Uvimbe wa Umio ambao Hauna Saratani
- Polipoli Adenomatous ya Kifamilia
- Vimbe za Nguvu za Gastrointestinal
- Saratani ya Kongosho
- Polipu ya utumbo mpana na rektamu
- Saratani ya Utumbo mdogo
- Uvimbe wa Utumbo mdogo ambao Hauna Saratani
- Saratani ya Tumbo
- Uvimbe wa Tumbo ambao Hauna Saratani
Noncancerous (benign) tumors of the stomach are unlikely to cause symptoms or medical problems, so they often remain undiagnosed and untreated. Occasionally, however, some bleed and are then removed during endoscopy (in which a flexible viewing tube [endoscope] is passed through the mouth to view the esophagus) or surgery.
Stomach polyps are uncommon noncancerous round growths that project into the stomach cavity. They may become cancerous (that is, they are precancerous). Therefore, polyps are usually removed using endoscopy. Through the endoscope, an electrical current (electrocautery) or heat (thermal obliteration) is applied directly to the growth, or a high-energy beam of light is directed at the growth (laser phototherapy).