Osteonekrosisi ya Taya Inayotokana na Matumizi ya Dawa (MRONJ)

(MRON ya Taya)

NaStuart B. Goodman, MD, PhD, Stanford University
Imepitiwa/Imerekebishwa Mar 2023

Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is a rare and potentially debilitating condition that involves exposure of the bone of the jaws.

  • MRONJ occurs in some people who have taken or are taking high doses of bisphosphonate medications intravenously or the drug denosumab, particularly if they have cancer or undergo oral surgery.

  • MRONJ can occur after tooth extraction, injury, radiation therapy, or for no apparent reason.

  • Treatment is best done by an experienced oral surgeon.

  • To help prevent MRONJ, any necessary oral surgery should be done whenever possible before a person takes bisphosphonates.

"Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ)" usually is "medication related," occurring primarily in people with previous or ongoing use of bisphosphonates or denosumab; therefore, when related to medications, ONJ is called MRONJ. Bisphosphonates and denosumab are medications that limit the loss of bone density in people with conditions such as osteoporosis and bone cancer. Most people with MRONJ have had cancer treated with high doses of bisphosphonates by vein. Very rarely, MRONJ has been noticed in people receiving bisphosphonates by mouth for postmenopausal osteoporosis. People who do not have cancer or who have not taken bisphosphonates or denosumab can develop osteonecrosis of the jaw, but it is extremely rare.

MRONJ may occur any time or after tooth extraction or trauma. (Radiation therapy to the head and neck can cause a similar disorder called osteoradionecrosis). Sometimes, a bone infection (osteomyelitis) in the jaw is misdiagnosed as MRONJ.

The risk of MRONJ in people who have osteoporosis and are taking bisphosphonates by mouth is extremely low. People should still use bisphosphonates taken by mouth as prescribed. However, when possible, any necessary oral surgery should be done before use of bisphosphonates is begun. People should also continue good oral hygiene while taking bisphosphonates.

Dalili za MRONJ

MRONJ is usually painful, and pus may be discharged from the mouth or jaw area. However, some people have no symptoms.

Utambuzi wa MRONJ

  • Evaluation by a dentist, an oral surgeon, or a doctor

MRONJ is diagnosed when a person is evaluated by a dentist, oral surgeon, or sometimes a doctor.

Matibabu ya MRONJ

  • Removal of dead bone

  • Use of antibiotics and mouth rinses

Because MRONJ is challenging to treat, an oral surgeon with experience treating it should be consulted. Treatment of MRONJ typically involves scraping away some of the damaged bone, taking antibiotics by mouth, and using mouth rinses. After treatment, people should follow up with the oral surgeon who will evaluate healing and ensure the area is being kept clean with proper oral hygiene.

Removing the whole affected area with surgery may worsen the condition and is not the first choice of treatment.