- Age
- Race and ethnicity
- Family history of breast cancer
- Breast cancer gene mutation
- Previous history of breast cancer
- Age at first menstrual period, first pregnancy, and menopause
- Benign breast disease
- Dense breast tissue
- Oral contraceptives (birth control pills)
- Hormone therapy
- Radiation exposure
- Diet
- Obesity
- Smoking and alcohol
- Symptoms
- Staging
- Surgery
- Removal of the Breast Without Cancer
- Radiation Therapy
- Chemotherapy and hormone blockers (tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors)
- Treatment of Noninvasive Cancer (Stage 0)
- Treatment of Early-Stage Invasive Cancer (Stages I and II)
- Treatment of Locally Advanced Cancer (Stage III)
- Treatment of Cancer That Has Spread (Stage IV) or Recurs
- Treatment of Specific Types of Breast Cancer
- Preservation of Fertility
- Follow-up Care
- Prognosis
- End-of-Life Issues
- Causes
- Symptoms
- Treatment of endometrial cancer that has not spread outside the uterus
- Treatment of endometrial cancer that has spread to the cervix or to nearby tissues, the vagina, or lymph nodes
- Treatment of very advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer
- Treatment of sarcoma of the uterus
- Fertility and menopause after endometrial cancer
- Prognosis
- Prevention
- More Information