- Muhtasari wa Dalili za Njia ya Mkojo
- Damu kwenye Shahawa
- Damu kwenye Mkojo
- Mabadiliko kwa Rangi au Harufu ya Mkojo
- Kukojoa Mkojo Mwingi Kupita Kiasi au Mara kwa Mara
- Maumivu ya Sehemu
- Gesi kwenye mkojo
- Maumivu au Mwako Wakati wa Kukojoa
- Kusimamisha Endelevu
- Visababishaji vya Maumivu ya Korodani
- Kuvimba kwa Korodani
- Kusitasita, Mkazo na Kudondoka kwa Mkojo
- Haraka ya kukojoa
A hesitating start when urinating, a need to strain, a weak and trickling stream of urine, and dribbling at the end of urination are common symptoms of a partially obstructed urethra. In men, these symptoms are caused most commonly by an enlarged prostate , which compresses the urethra, and less often by a narrowing (stricture) of the urethra. Similar symptoms in a boy may mean that he was born with an abnormally narrow urethra or has a urethra with an abnormally narrow external opening. These symptoms are less common in women, but the opening of the urethra may also be abnormally narrow in women.
A doctor examines the prostate by inserting a gloved, lubricated finger into the man’s rectum (digital rectal examination). If the prostate is enlarged, a blood test to measure the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) may be done. Sometimes ultrasonography of the prostate is also done. If a urethral stricture is suspected, the doctor may insert a flexible viewing tube into the bladder (cystoscopy).
To treat an enlarged prostate, doctors can use medications or surgery. To treat a urethral stricture in a man, doctors may insert a catheter into the bladder through the penis and dilate (stretch) the urethra. It may be necessary to insert a hollow tube to hold the urethra open (a stent). Surgeons may rebuild the urethra or use other surgical treatments.