Matatizo ya Sikio Yanayotokana na Dawa za Kulevya


NaMickie Hamiter, MD, New York Presbyterian Columbia
Imepitiwa/Imerekebishwa May 2023

Many drugs, including medications, can damage the ears. These drugs are called ototoxic drugs. They include the antibiotics streptomycin, tobramycin, gentamicin, neomycin, and vancomycin, as well as certain chemotherapy medications (for example, cisplatin), furosemide, and aspirin.

Whether people develop drug ototoxicity depends on many factors, including

  • How much of the drug the person took (the dose)

  • How long the person took the drug

  • Whether the person has decreased kidney function, making it harder to clear the drug from a person's body

  • Whether the person has a family history of ear disorders caused by drugs

  • Whether the person's genetic make-up makes the person more susceptible to the effects of ototoxic drugs

  • Whether the person is taking more than one ototoxic drug at the same time

In addition to being responsible for hearing, the inner ear is also responsible for balance (see also Overview of the Inner Ear).

Dalili za Magonjwa ya Sikio Yanayohusiana na Dawa za Kulevya

When people have ear disorders caused by drugs, their symptoms include one or more of the following:

Vertigo (a false sensation of moving or spinning) may develop temporarily. Other symptoms can be temporary but are sometimes permanent.

Matibabu ya Magonjwa ya Sikio Yanayohusiana na Dawa za Kulevya

When doctors detect ototoxicity, they stop giving the medication (unless the disorder being treated is life-threatening and there are no other alternatives). There is no treatment to reverse ototoxicity, but sometimes hearing or loss of balance may partially recover on its own.

Uzuiaji wa Magonjwa ya Sikio Yanayohusiana na Dawa za Kulevya

People should take the lowest effective dosage of medications that can damage the ear, and the dosage should be closely monitored (for example, by measuring medication levels in the bloodstream when possible). If possible before beginning treatment with an ototoxic medication, people should have their hearing measured and then monitored during treatment because symptoms are late warning signs that the medication has caused damage.

To prevent harming the fetus, pregnant women should avoid taking ototoxic antibiotics.

Older people and people with preexisting hearing loss should not be treated with ototoxic medications if other effective medications are available.