Kuwashwa kwa tundu la haja kubwa

(muwasho wa njia ya haja kubwa)

NaParswa Ansari, MD, Hofstra Northwell-Lenox Hill Hospital, New York
Imepitiwa/Imerekebishwa Jan 2025

Nyenzo za Mada

Itching of the anus (the opening at the end of the digestive tract where stool leaves the body) and the skin around the anus (perianal skin) is called anal itching or pruritus ani.

(See also Overview of the Anus and Rectum.)

Sababu za Kuwashwa kwa Njia ya Haja Kubwa

The most common causes of anal itching are

  • Unknown (the majority)

  • Related to hygiene

Most often, doctors do not identify a specific disorder as the cause of anal itching, and the itching goes away without treatment after a period of time. Many of the other cases of anal itching are due to hygiene issues. Only a very few cases are caused by a specific disorder (see table Causes and Features of Anal Itching), such as pinworms or a fungal infection (such as candidiasis caused by several species of the yeast Candida). Of the specific causes, only rare causes such as inflammatory bowel disease and cancer of the skin around the anus are considered serious.

Extremes in hygiene can lead to anal itching. For instance, inadequate cleansing leaves irritating stool and sweat residue on the anal skin. More commonly, overly vigorous cleansing, often with sanitary wipes and strong soaps, can dry or irritate the skin or occasionally cause an allergic reaction. Hemorrhoids can make it difficult for people to thoroughly clean themselves after a bowel movement. Some hemorrhoids produce mucus or cause leakage, both of which can cause itching.

Young children and older adults may have problems controlling their urine (called urinary incontinence) or stool (called stool incontinence in children and fecal incontinence in adults). These disorders may cause irritation that leads to skin infections and anal itching.

Once anal itching starts, an itch-scratch-itch cycle can begin, in which scratching causes more itching. Often, people scratch and rub the itchy area so much that they scrape the skin open. The scrapes sometimes become irritated, which causes yet more itching. Also, people sometimes become allergic to the ointments or other treatments they use for the itching.

Tathmini ya Kuwashwa kwa Njia ya Haja Kubwa

Not every episode of anal itching requires immediate evaluation by a doctor. The following information can help people decide whether a doctor’s evaluation is needed and help them know what to expect during the evaluation.

Ishara za onyo

In people with anal itching, certain symptoms and characteristics are cause for concern. They include

  • Pus draining from the anus or around it (draining fistula)

  • Bloody diarrhea

  • Bulging or protruding hemorrhoids

  • Perianal skin soiled with fecal material

  • Dull or thickened perianal skin

Wakati wa kuona daktari

People who have anal itching plus bloody diarrhea or draining pus should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Other people should see a doctor if the itching has lasted for more than a few days, but the visit is not urgent.

Anachofanya daktari

Doctors first ask questions about the person's symptoms and medical history. Doctors then do a physical examination. What they find during the history and physical examination often suggests a cause of the itching and the tests that may need to be done (see table Causes and Features of Anal Itching).

The history is focused on when the itching started and how long it has lasted. Doctors ask about the following:

  • Ingestion of irritating foods, particularly acidic or spicy foods

  • Bowel habits, including use of wipes, ointments (even those used to treat itching), sprays, and soaps applied to the anus

  • Hygiene habits, particularly frequency of showers and baths

  • Known infections or disorders (such as diabetes, hemorrhoids, or psoriasis)

  • Recent use of antibiotics

The physical examination is focused on the appearance of the anus and the perianal skin. Doctors examine this area for

  • Dullness and thickness

  • Signs of irritation due to scratching

  • Hemorrhoids, lesions, fistulas, and scrapes (caused by scratching and rubbing)

  • Scabies or pinworms



If doctors do not see any abnormalities on or around the anus, they usually do not do tests and simply treat the person's symptoms.

If there are any visible skin abnormalities, doctors may examine a scraping of the perianal skin to rule out a fungal infection, such as candidiasis (yeast infection). Sometimes they give the person a local anesthetic and remove a small piece of tissue to examine under a microscope (skin biopsy).

If pinworms, which most often occur in school-age children, are suspected, eggs can be collected from the anal region using sticky transparent tape to confirm the diagnosis (see diagnosis of pinworm infection).

Doctors may also examine the anus with a short, rigid tube (a procedure called anoscopy) to check for internal hemorrhoids.

Matibabu ya Kuwashwa kwa Njia ya Haja Kubwa

  • Treatment of cause

  • Hygiene and symptom relief

The best way to treat anal itching is to treat the underlying disorder. For example, medications can be taken for parasitic infections (such as pinworms), and creams can be applied for fungal infections (such as candidiasis).

Irritating foods can be eliminated from the diet or avoided for a while to see whether the itching lessens. If possible, antibiotics can be stopped or switched.

Usafi na kukosa dalili

Proper hygiene is important. After bowel movements, the anal area should be cleaned with absorbent cotton or plain soft tissue moistened with warm water or a commercial cleanser made specifically for hemorrhoids. People should avoid using soaps and premoistened wipes.

Frequent dusting with nonmedicated cornstarch helps combat excess moisture.

Corticosteroid ointments (such as 1% hydrocortisone) often help relieve symptoms but should taken only for short periods of time or under a doctor's supervision.

Clothing should be loose, and bed clothing should be lightweight.

Mambo Muhimu

  • Pinworms in children and hygiene-related issues in adults are common causes of anal itching; other causes include other anus and rectal disorders, infections, and skin conditions.

  • Foods and detergents or soaps can cause anal itching.

  • Appropriate hygiene practices (careful but gentle cleansing, avoiding strong soaps and chemicals, and decreasing skin moisture) can help relieve symptoms of anal itching.