- Muhtasari wa Mfumo wa Neva za Pembeni
- Muhtasari wa Matatizo ya Magonjwa ya Mwungano wa Neva na Msuli
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) na Magonjwa Mengine ya Mishipa ya Moyo (MNDs)
- Ugonjwa wa Charcot-Marie-Jino
- Upasuaji sugu wa Kuondoa Miyelinati ya Ugonjwa wa Uvimbe wa Mara kwa Mara (CIDP)
- Ugonjwa wa Eaton-Lambert
- Ugonjwa wa Guillain-Barré (GBS)
- Ugonjwa wa neva wa urithi wa macho
- Ugonjwa wa Neuropathy wa Kurithi na Dhima ya Kupooza kwa Shinikizo (HNPP)
- Ugonjwa wa Isaacs
- Uharibifu wa neva
- Mononeuropathy nyingi
- Myasthenia Gravisi
- Matatizo ya neva
- Matatizo ya Plexus
- Polineuropati
- Atrophies ya Misuli ya Uti wa mgongo (SMAs)
- Ugonjwa wa Mtu Mgumu
- Magonjwa ya Mifuko ya Kifua (TOS)
Stiff-person syndrome causes muscle stiffness that worsens gradually.
Stiff-person syndrome often occurs in people with type 1 diabetes, certain autoimmune disorders, or certain kinds of cancer.
Muscles gradually become stiffer and enlarge, starting in the trunk and abdomen but eventually affecting muscles throughout the body.
Doctors suspect stiff-person syndrome based on symptoms but use electromyography and blood tests to help confirm the diagnosis.
Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and can include diazepam (a sedative), baclofen (a muscle relaxant), corticosteroids, and sometimes rituximab or plasma exchange.
Stiff-person syndrome (formerly called stiff-man syndrome) affects mainly the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system), but it causes symptoms similar to those of some peripheral nerve disorders.
Stiff-person syndrome is more common among women and often occurs in people with type 1 diabetes, certain autoimmune disorders (such as thyroiditis), or certain kinds of cancer, including breast cancer (most commonly), lung cancer, kidney cancer, thyroid cancer, colon cancer, and Hodgkin lymphoma.
The cause of stiff-person syndrome may be an autoimmune reaction—when the body produces antibodies that attack its own tissues. In stiff-person syndrome, these antibodies attack nerve cells in the spinal cord that control muscle movement. Most people with stiff-person syndrome have antibodies that attack an enzyme called glutamic acid decarboxylase. This enzyme is involved in the production of a chemical messenger (neurotransmitter) that helps prevent nerves from overstimulating muscles. When less of this enzyme is produced, nerves overstimulate muscles, which become tight and stiff.
Sometimes the cause of stiff-person syndrome is unknown.
Dalili za Ugonjwa wa Mtu Mgumu
In people with stiff-person syndrome, muscles of the trunk and abdomen gradually become stiffer and enlarge. Muscles of the arms and legs are affected less.
Usually, stiff-person syndrome progresses, leading to disability and stiffness throughout the body.
Utambuzi wa Ugonjwa wa Mtu Mgumu
Blood tests
The diagnosis of stiff-person syndrome is suggested by symptoms. Tests are done to help confirm the diagnosis. They include electromyography and blood tests to detect the antibodies that are present in many people with stiff-person syndrome.
Matibabu ya Ugonjwa wa Mtu Mgumu
Diazepam (a sedative) or another medication to relax the muscles
Immune globulin
Sometimes corticosteroids
Sometimes rituximab or plasma exchange
Treatment of stiff-person syndrome focuses on relieving symptoms. The sedative diazepam most consistently relieves the muscle stiffness. If diazepam is ineffective, other medications, such as baclofen (a muscle relaxant), may be tried. However, evidence supporting their use is limited.
Immune globulin (a solution containing many different antibodies collected from a group of donors), given by vein (intravenously), may help relieve symptoms for up to a year.
Corticosteroids can help but are not used often because they usually have to be taken for a long time, and if taken for a long time, they have many side effects.
If immune globulin does not help, rituximab (a medication that modifies the immune system's activity) or plasma exchange, which involves filtering toxic substances (including the abnormal antibodies) from the blood, is sometimes tried.