Uchungu wa Uzazi Unaoendelea Polepole Sana

(Uchungu wa Uzazi Uliorefushwa; Uchungu wa Uzazi Uliozuiliwa)

NaJulie S. Moldenhauer, MD, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Imepitiwa/Imerekebishwa Mar 2024

    Labor that progresses too slowly may involve slow cervical dilation or movement of the fetus through the birth canal (protracted labor) or a complete pause in the labor's progress (arrested labor).

    Causes of labor that is progressing too slowly include the following:

    • Fetus is too big to move through the birth canal (pelvis and vagina)

    • Fetus is in an abnormal position

    • Birth canal is too small

    • Contractions of the uterus are too weak or not often enough to keep the fetus moving

    • Occasionally, contractions are too strong or close together

    Doctors estimate the size of the fetus and birth canal and check the fetus’s position. They also check the strength and timing of contractions. These factors determine treatment.

    If the birth canal is big enough for the fetus but labor is not progressing, the woman is given oxytocin intravenously to stimulate the uterus to contract more forcefully. If oxytocin is unsuccessful, a cesarean delivery may be necessary. Or if the baby is already in position to be delivered, a vacuum extractor or forceps may be used instead.

    If the fetus is too big or the birth canal is too small for the fetus to move through the birth canal, cesarean delivery is done.