- Utangulizi wa Utambuzi wa Matatizo ya Mapafu
- Historia ya Matibabu na Uchunguzi wa Kimwili kwa Matatizo ya Mapafu
- Muhtasari wa Vipimo kwa Matatizo ya Mapafu
- Uchambuzi wa Gesi ya Damu ya Ateri (ABG) na Ufikishwaji wa Oksijeni katika Damu
- Bronkoskopi
- Upigaji picha wa Kifua
- Kuingiza Bomba kwenye Kifua
- Upimaji wa Mazoezi
- Uchunguzi wa Mediastinoskopi na Mediastinotomi
- Biopsi ya Sindano ya Pleura au Mapafu
- Kipimo cha Utendakazi wa Mapafu (PFT)
- Kunyonya
- Thorasentesisi
- Thorakoskopi
- Thorakotomi
Chest tube insertion (also called tube thoracostomy) is a procedure in which a tube is inserted into the space between the lung and chest wall (called the pleural space).
The procedure is done to drain air from the space if the lung is collapsed (a condition called pneumothorax). It is also sometimes done to drain fluid from the pleural space (called pleural effusion), particularly if the fluid accumulates continually so that it cannot be drained all at once. In some situations, insertion of a chest tube is an emergency, potentially life-saving procedure.
Chest tube insertion is done with the person awake, although sometimes a sedative is given. The doctor anesthetizes the area between 2 ribs and then makes a small incision and inserts the tube. The tube is connected to suction. A chest x-ray is usually done after the tube is inserted to confirm correct placement.
Severe complications are infrequent. They can include chest pain, puncture of the lung or diaphragm, accumulation of air under the skin, and infection. If a large amount of fluid that has been present for weeks to months is withdrawn rapidly, fluid can accumulate within the lung itself (pulmonary edema). Occasionally, a tube needs to be replaced because it kinks, becomes dislodged, or becomes blocked by a blood clot.
(See also Medical History and Physical Examination for Lung Disorders.)