Kulisha kwa Njia ya Mrija

(Lishe ya Ndani)

NaKris M. Mogensen, MS, RD-AP, Department of Nutrition, Brigham and Women's Hospital;
Malcolm K. Robinson, MD, Harvard Medical School
Imepitiwa/Imerekebishwa Sept 2024 | Imebadilishwa Oct 2024

Tube feeding (enteral nutrition) is a way to deliver nutrients to a person who cannot or will not eat food or cannot or will not consume enough nutrients by mouth to meet their nutritional needs. A liquid formula is given through a tube and delivered directly into the stomach or small intestine.

Tube feeding may be used to feed people whose digestive tract is functioning normally but who are unable to eat by mouth or who are unable to eat enough by mouth to meet their nutritional needs. Such people include those with the following:

  • A poor appetite for a long time

  • Severe protein-energy undernutrition (a severe deficiency of protein and calories)

  • Coma or greatly reduced alertness

  • Difficulty swallowing caused by a stroke or other disorder that affects the brain and nerves

  • Liver failure

  • A head or neck injury or another disorder that makes people unable to eat by mouth

  • A serious illness or condition (such as a critical illness or burns) that increases nutritional needs

  • A breathing tube that prevents people from eating by mouth

If people are seriously ill, injured, or undernourished, they may be fed through a tube before surgery.

Compared with intravenous feeding, tube feeding has the following advantages:

  • It better preserves the structure and function of the digestive tract.

  • It costs less.

  • It probably causes fewer complications, particularly infections.

Utaratibu wa Kulisha kwa Njia ya Mrija

Where a feeding tube is inserted usually depends on how long tube feeding is needed:

  • For less than 4 to 6 weeks: A thin plastic tube is passed through the nose and down the throat until it reaches the stomach (called a nasogastric tube) or the small intestine (called a nasoduodenal or nasojejunal tube).

  • For longer than 4 to 6 weeks or if the nose is damaged or deformed: The tube is inserted directly into the stomach (called a gastrostomy tube) or small intestine (called a jejunostomy tube) through a small incision in the abdomen.

Kuingiza mrija wa kulisha kupitia pua

Nasogastric, nasoduodenal, and nasojejunal tubes can usually be inserted while the person is awake. The tube is lubricated and inserted into the nose and down the throat. A tube can cause gagging when it enters the throat, so the person is asked to swallow or is given water through a straw to help with swallowing. Swallowing can decrease or prevent gagging and help the tube pass down the throat.

Once the tube is down the throat and enters the esophagus, it can be easily slid into the stomach or small intestine. Doctors sometimes do imaging tests, such as an x-ray of the abdomen, to make sure the tube is correctly placed.

Kuingiza neli ya kulisha moja kwa moja ndani ya tumbo au utumbo mdogo

When a feeding tube must be inserted directly into the stomach or small intestine, a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube is often used.

Before a PEG tube is inserted, people are given a sedative and sometimes a painkiller, usually intravenously. To help place the tube, doctors first insert a viewing tube (an endoscope) through the mouth and into the stomach or small intestine. (Before inserting the endoscope, doctors may spray a numbing agent on the back of the throat to suppress the urge to cough or gag.) The endoscope has a camera on its tip, enabling doctors to view the interior of the stomach and determine where to place the PEG tube. Doctors then make a small incision in the abdomen and insert the PEG tube. People must fast before the procedure, and eating and drinking are limited after the endoscopy is completed until the gag reflex returns.

If a PEG tube cannot be placed, a surgical procedure may be used to help doctors place the feeding tube directly into the stomach or small intestine. This procedure may be done in one of the following ways:

  • Using a viewing tube (laparoscope), which requires only a tiny incision just below the navel

  • Making a relatively large incision in the abdomen because doctors need to view the area through the incision so that they can place the tube in the correct place

Baada ya kuingiza mrija wa kulisha

People with feeding tubes should be sitting upright or with the head of the bed elevated during a feeding and for 1 to 2 hours afterward. This position reduces the risk that they will inhale the formula into their lungs, and it allows gravity to help move the formula through the digestive tract.

Typically, a relatively large amount of formula (called a bolus) is given several times a day. However, if these feedings cause nausea, small amounts of formula are given continuously. With nasoduodenal, nasojejunal, or jejunostomy tubes, continuous feedings sometimes are given using an infusion pump.

Fomula za Kulisha kwa Neli

Several different formulas are available for tube feeding. Some can be made at home. Typically, a formula that provides a complete balanced diet is used, and formulas can be tailored to an individual person's needs. Some formulas are designed to treat a specific deficiency or disorder and may contain a single nutrient, such as fiber (to treat constipation or diarrhea), or different proportions of specific nutrients, such as proteins, fats, or carbohydrates. Most formulas are lactose-free or are made with lactose-free milk.

Some formulas contain proteins that are partially or fully broken down. These formulas are low in fat and contain much of that fat as medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil. These formulas are best for people who have trouble absorbing nutrients.

Specialized formulas are available for people with specific needs, such as diabetes or kidney disease. For example, carbohydrates may be restricted for people who have diabetes. Other formulas are specifically made for people who have healing wounds or other physical stressors.

Changamoto za Kulisha kwa Njia ya Mrija

Complications of tube feeding are common and can be serious.
