- Muhtasari wa Matatizo ya Miguu na Kifundo cha mguu
- Bursitis ya Achilles Tendon
- Enthesopathy ya Achilles Tendon
- Kishiko cha Gumba
- Uharibifu wa Neva kwenye Miguu
- Ugonjwa wenye Freiberg
- Kidole Kupinda Juu
- Bursitis ya chini ya Calcaneal
- Kizuizi cha Ncha za Mishipa ya Mguu wa Ndani na Nje
- Maumivu ya Kiungo cha Metatarsal
- Maumivu katika Mpira wa Mguu (Metatarsalgia)
- Uvungu wa Plantari
- Plantar Fibromatosisii
- Ugonjwa wa Sesamoiditis
- Syndrome ya Tarsal Tunnel
- Tibialis Posterior Tendinosis na Tibialis Posterior Tenosynovitis
Sesamoiditis is pain around the two small bones (the sesamoid bones) below the metatarsal head where it adjoins the big toe (first metatarsal head).
Nyenzo za Mada
Symptoms include pain when walking (especially barefoot) or while wearing certain types of shoes.
The diagnosis is based on an examination of the foot.
Orthoses, offloading pads, and new shoes can help relieve pain.
(See also Overview of Foot Problems.)
Sesamoiditis is a common cause of pain in the ball of the foot (metatarsalgia).
The cause of sesamoiditis is usually repeated injury. Sometimes the bones are fractured, or the bones or surrounding tissues are inflamed. A change in the structure of the foot can sometimes shift the position of the sesamoids (displacement) and cause pain.
Sesamoiditis is particularly common among dancers, joggers, and people who have high-arched feet or frequently wear high heels. Many people with bunions have sesamoiditis.
Dalili za Ugonjwa wa Sesamoiditis
The pain of sesamoiditis is felt beneath the base of the big toe (the first metatarsal joint). The pain is usually made worse by walking, particularly when wearing certain flexible thin-soled or high-heeled shoes. The area may be warm and swollen, and the big toe may be red.
Ugunduzi wa Ugonjwa wa Sesamoiditis
A doctor's examination of the foot
For gout or infection, joint aspiration
For fracture, displacement, or arthritis, imaging tests
The doctor bases the diagnosis of sesamoiditis on an examination of the foot.
The doctor uses a needle to remove a sample of joint fluid (called joint aspiration or arthrocentesis) if gout or infectious arthritis is suspected.
X-rays are taken and sometimes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is done to rule out arthritis, displacement, or a fracture of the sesamoid bone.
Matibabu ya Ugonjwa wa Sesamoiditis
New shoes
Not wearing the shoes that cause pain beneath the base of the big toe may be sufficient. If symptoms of sesamoiditis continue, however, using offloading pads as well as wearing shoes with a thick sole, low heels, orthoses (devices placed in the shoe), or a combination help by reducing pressure on the sesamoid bones.
A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) taken by mouth and injections of a corticosteroid/anesthetic mixture into the affected area can help relieve pain.