Деякі причини болю в оці


Suggestive Findings

Diagnostic Approach*

Disorders affecting primarily the cornea

Contact lens keratitis

Ocular ache, grittiness, prolonged wearing of contact lenses, bilateral red eyes, lacrimation, corneal edema

History and physical examination, including ophthalmic examination if vision loss present

Corneal abrasion or foreign body

Usually clear history of injury or high-risk activity such as grinding metal, unilateral pain when blinking, foreign body sensation

Sometimes a predisposing disorder such as trichiasis (eyelashes touching the cornea)

Lesion or foreign body visible on slit-lamp examination

History and physical examination, including ophthalmic examination, including eyelid eversion

Corneal ulcer

Aching, foreign body sensation, photophobia, red eye, grayish opacity on cornea, followed by a visible crater

Possibly history of sleeping with contact lenses

Scrapings for culture (done by ophthalmologist)

Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (adenoviral conjunctivitis with keratitis) when severe

Ocular ache, grittiness, bilateral red eyes, copious watery discharge, preauricular lymphadenopathy, chemosis (bulging of the conjunctiva), often eyelid edema

Punctate corneal staining on fluorescein examination

History and physical examination, including ophthalmic examination if vision loss present

Herpes zoster ophthalmicus

Early: Unilateral vesicles and crusts on an erythematous base in a V1 distribution, sometimes affecting the tip of the nose

Eyelid edema, red eye

Late: Redness, quite severe pain

Often associated with uveitis

Ophthalmic evaluation

Viral culture if diagnosis is unclear

Herpes simplex keratitis

Acute: Onset after conjunctivitis, blisters on eyelid

Late acute or recurrent: Classic dendritic corneal lesion on slit-lamp examination

Usually unilateral (may be bilateral in children or patients with atopy)

History and physical examination, including ophthalmic examination

Viral culture if diagnosis is unclear

Welder’s or UV keratitis

Onset hours after exposure to excessive UV light (eg, from welding or bright sun on snow)

Bilateral; ocular ache, grittiness

Marked injection and typical punctate corneal staining on fluorescein examination of the cornea

History and physical examination, including ophthalmic examination if diagnosis is unclear

Other ocular disorders

Acute angle-closure glaucoma

Severe ocular ache, headache, nausea, vomiting, halos around lights, hazy cornea (caused by edema), marked erythema

Intraocular pressure usually > 40 mm Hg

Gonioscopy by ophthalmologist

Anterior uveitis

Ocular ache, ciliary flush, photophobia, often a risk factor (eg, autoimmune disorder, posttrauma)

Cells and flare on slit-lamp examination

Rarely hypopyon

Ophthalmic evaluation


Ocular ache, intense conjunctival hyperemia, photophobia, severely decreased visual acuity, risk factors (recent intraocular surgery, trauma, or bacteremia)


Cells and flare and commonly hypopyon on slit-lamp examination

Immediate ophthalmic evaluation and microbiologic testing (eg, Gram stain and culture of aspirates for endogenous endophthalmitis, blood and urine cultures)

Optic neuritis

Mild pain, which may worsen with eye movement

Vision loss, ranging from a small scotoma to blindness

Afferent pupillary defect (a particularly characteristic finding if some visual acuity is preserved)

Eyelids and cornea normal, sometimes a swollen optic disk

Consideration of gadolinium-enhanced MRI of brain and orbits to look for optic nerve edema and demyelinating lesions within the brain (most commonly due to multiple sclerosis)

Orbital cellulitis

Ocular ache, periocular ache, red and swollen eyelids, proptosis, impaired extraocular movements, decreased visual acuity, fever


Sometimes preceded by symptoms of sinusitis

CT or MRI of orbits

Orbital pseudotumor

Ocular ache, periocular ache (may be very severe), unilateral proptosis

Impaired extraocular movements, periorbital edema, gradual onset

CT or MRI of orbits



Pain very severe (often described as boring), photophobia, lacrimation, red or violaceous patches under bulbar conjunctiva, scleral edema

Often history of autoimmune disorder

Ophthalmic evaluation

Disorders causing referred pain

Cluster headaches

Prior episodes, characteristic temporal pattern (eg, clusters of episodes at the same time each day)

Knifelike quality, rhinorrhea, lacrimation, facial flushing

History and physical examination

Migraine headaches

Prior episodes, aura, pulsatile pain, nausea, sometimes photosensitivity or photophobia

History and physical examination, including ophthalmic examination and sometimes MRI or CT of brain (eg, if onset after age 40 or if atypical neurological findings)


Sometimes periorbital edema but eye examination otherwise unremarkable

Purulent rhinorrhea, headache, or eye or facial pain that varies with head position

Facial tenderness, fever, sometimes productive nocturnal cough, halitosis

Sometimes CT

* Ophthalmic evaluation should include slit-lamp examination with fluorescein staining and ocular tonometry.

† Most patients have lacrimation and true photophobia (shining a light into the unaffected eye causes pain in the affected eye when the affected eye is shut).

UV = ultraviolet; V1= ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve.

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