Деякі причини кашлю


Suggestive Findings

Diagnostic Approach

Acute Cough

Foreign body*

Sudden onset in a toddler who has no URI or constitutional symptoms

Chest x-ray (inspiratory and expiratory views)


Heart failure*


Fine crackles

Extrasystolic heart sound

Elevated jugular venous pressure

Dependent peripheral edema


Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

Chest x-ray

Brain (B-type) natriuretic peptide level

Transthoracic echocardiography

Pneumonia (viral, bacterial, aspiration, rarely fungal)


Productive cough


Pleuritic chest pain

Localized bronchial breath sounds or egophony

Chest x-ray

Cultures (eg, sputum, pleural fluid, blood, possibly bronchial washings) in seriously ill patients and patients with hospital-acquired pneumonia

Postnasal drip (allergic, viral, or bacterial origin)


Sore throat


Cobblestoning of posterior oropharynx

Pale, boggy, swollen nasal mucosa

Frequent clearing of the throat

Clinical evaluation

Response to empiric antihistamine, decongestant, or nasal ipratropium therapy

CT of the sinuses if diagnosis is unclear

Pulmonary embolism*

Pleuritic chest pain



CT angiography

Less often, ventilation/perfusion scanning and possibly pulmonary arteriography

Upper respiratory infection (URI), including acute bronchitis


Red, swollen nasal mucosa

Sore throat


Clinical evaluation

Chronic Cough

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

Dry, persistent cough that may occur within days or months after initiation of ACE inhibitor therapy

Response to stopping ACE inhibitor


Cough after eating or drinking

Chest x-ray

Sometimes modified barium pharyngography


Asthma (cough variant)

Cough in response to various provoking factors (eg, allergens, cold, exercise)

Possibly wheezing and dyspnea

Pulmonary function testing

Methacholine challenge

Response to empiric bronchodilator therapy

Chronic bronchitis (in patients who smoke)

Productive cough on most days of the month or for 3 months of the year for 2 successive years in a patient with known COPD or smoking history

Frequent clearing of the throat


Chest x-ray

Pulmonary function testing

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

Known diagnosis of COPD

Decreased breath sounds



Pursed lip breathing

Use of accessory respiratory muscles

Tripod positioning of the arms against the legs or examination table

Clinical evaluation

Gastroesophageal reflux

Burning chest or abdominal pain that tends to worsen with consumption of certain foods, certain activities, or certain positions

Sour taste, particularly on awakening


Chronic nocturnal or early morning cough

Response to empiric H2 blocker or proton pump inhibitor therapy

Sometimes esophageal manometry or pH probe

Hyperresponsive airways after resolution of respiratory tract infection

Dry, nonproductive cough that may persist for weeks or months after an acute respiratory tract infection

Typically chest x-ray

Interstitial lung disease

Shortness of breath of gradual onset

Dry cough

History of drug or occupational exposure

Chest x-ray

High-resolution CT


Repeated bouts of 5 rapidly consecutive, forceful coughs during a single expiration, followed by a hurried and deep inspiration (whoop) or posttussive emesis

Cultures of nasopharyngeal specimens

Postnasal drip


Sore throat

Cobblestoning of posterior oropharynx

Pale, boggy, swollen nasal mucosa

Clinical evaluation

Response to empiric antihistamine or decongestant therapy

Sometimes allergy testing

Tuberculosis (TB) or fungal infections*

Atypical symptoms (eg, weight loss, fever, hemoptysis, night sweats)

Exposure history


Chest x-ray

Skin testing; if positive, sputum cultures and stains for acid-fast bacilli and fungi

Sometimes chest CT or bronchoalveolar lavage


Atypical symptoms (eg, weight loss, fever, hemoptysis, night sweats)

Change in chronic cough


Chest x-ray

If positive, chest CT and bronchoscopic biopsy

* Indicates rare causes of cough.

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