Тромбоцитопенія внаслідок секвестрації селезінки

ЗаDavid J. Kuter, MD, DPhil, Harvard Medical School
Переглянуто/перевірено трав. 2024

    Increased splenic platelet sequestration can occur in various disorders that cause splenomegaly. However, thrombocytopenia that occurs in advanced cirrhosis is mostly due to reduced thrombopoietin production by the liver (and consequent reduced platelet production) rather than splenic sequestration (1). (See also Overview of Platelet Disorders.)

    The platelet count usually is > 30,000/mcL (> 30 × 109/L) unless the disorder causing splenomegaly also impairs platelet production (eg, primary myelofibrosis []).

    Sequestered platelets are released from the spleen at times of stress. Therefore, thrombocytopenia caused only by splenic sequestration rarely causes bleeding.

    In patients with normal hepatic function, splenectomy corrects the thrombocytopenia; however, splenectomy is not indicated unless severe thrombocytopenia due to simultaneous bone marrow failure is present.

    Довідковий матеріал

    1. 1. Peck-Radosavljevic M, Wichlas M, Zacherl J, et al: Thrombopoietin induces rapid resolution of thrombocytopenia after orthotopic liver transplantation through increased platelet production. Blood 95:795–801, 2009.