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Löffler Syndrome

ByJoyce Lee, MD, MAS, University of Colorado School of Medicine
Reviewed/Revised Jul 2023
View Patient Education

Löffler syndrome is a form of eosinophilic pulmonary disease characterized by absent or mild respiratory symptoms (most often dry cough), fleeting migratory pulmonary opacities, and peripheral blood eosinophilia.

    (See also Overview of Interstitial Lung Disease.)

    Parasitic infections, especially ascariasis, may be the cause, but an identifiable etiologic agent is not found in up to one third of patients.

    The diagnosis of Löffler syndrome is based on characteristic and often transient respiratory symptoms, chest x-ray findings, and peripheral blood eosinophilia. It requires the exclusion of other types of eosinophilic lung disease. For example, acute eosinophilic pneumonia is a distinct entity with acute onset, severe hypoxemia, and typically a lack of increased blood eosinophils at the onset of disease; chronic eosinophilic pneumonia is characterized by recurrent episodes of more severe respiratory symptoms and frequently increased peripheral blood eosinophils.

    The disease usually resolves within 1 month.

    Treatment of Löffler syndrome is symptomatic and may consist of corticosteroids.

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