After the first few days of life, infants should have at least 6 to 8 wet diapers a day but may have more. The urine varies in color from nearly clear to dark yellow.
Stools vary a great deal among infants in frequency, color, and consistency depending on the nature of the individual infants and the contents of their diet. The number of times infants defecate varies from once every other day to 6 or 8 times a day. Stool consistency ranges from firm and formed to soft and runny. Stool color ranges from mustard yellow to dark brown. The stool of breastfed infants tends to be softer and of lighter color than that of formula-fed infants.
Diapers must be changed often to keep the underlying skin dry. Wet skin chafes more easily than dry skin and is more likely to develop diaper rash
Baby powders help keep skin dry when the infant is sweating slightly, but they do not help keep the skin dry from urine or stool and are not essential. Powder made of talcum may cause lung problems if inhaled by infants, so parents who want to use baby powder should purchase baby powders that contain cornstarch instead.