COVID-19 Useful Links

COVID-19 Resources Home Page

Many organizations have useful online information regarding the current coronavirus pandemic. Some, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, provide information for both health care professionals and consumers.  Others have clinical and research information specifically for professionals. We have compiled a few representative sites for your information.

MSD Manual Resources

The MSD Manual Professional

The Manual itself has clear, concise background information on the coronavirus and the current pandemic.


Coronaviruses and Acute Respiratory Syndromes (COVID-19, MERS, and SARS)

Government Resources

These sites have comprehensive COVID-19 Resource pages. From the main pages, users can navigate to more specific information, including those we have selected here.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The latest information from the CDC regarding evaluating and testing persons for COVID-19:

The CDC advice on what healthcare personnel should know about protecting themselves while caring for patients with confirmed or possible COVID-19:

The CDC advice on optimizing the supply of personal protective equipment

The CDC has developed five COVID-19 pandemic planning scenarios that are designed to help inform decisions by modelers and public health officials who utilize mathematical modeling. Models can be used to evaluate the potential effect of different community mitigation strategies and to assess resource needs. All parameters for COVID-19 are based on the current surveillance data and scientific knowledge and include data on numerous factors including mean days from symptom onset to hospitalization, mean number of days of hospitalization (ICU vs not admitted to ICU), percent ICU admission, percent of ICU patients on mechanical ventilation, and a number of other features of interest.


US Food and Drug Administration

The FDA provides updates on the development of novel therapies for COVID-19.

The FDA Issues Emergency Use Authorization for First COVID-19 Vaccine:

Who Logo

World Health Organization

The WHO tracks global information about the COVID-19 pandemic and how nations are responding. 

The National Association of County and City Health Officials

The National Association of County and City Health Officials provides a handy list of Health Departments to aid people in accessing local information and resources.

Directory of Local (US) Health Departments

Medical Organizations and Journals

Many medical organizations and journals also have comprehensive resource centers sometimes including guidelines and research publications are available. Specialty organizations may have created guidelines for treating patients with specific co-morbidities. A few representative links are provided.

JAMA Network COVID-19 Resources

A guide for managing critically ill adults with COVID-19:


COVID-19 Resources Home Page