Еквіноварусна стопа (клишоногість) та інші вроджені аномалії стопи

ЗаJoan Pellegrino, MD, Upstate Medical University
Переглянуто/перевірено лист. 2024

Talipes equinovarus, sometimes called clubfoot, is characterized by plantar flexion, inward tilting of the heel (from the midline of the leg), and adduction of the forefoot (medial deviation away from the leg’s vertical axis). Other congenital foot anomalies include metatarsus adductus, metatarsus varus, talipes calcaneovalgus, pes planus, flexible flat feet, and tarsal coalition.

    Ресурси за темою

    (See also Overview of Congenital Musculoskeletal Anomalies.)

    Еквіноварусна стопа

    Talipes equinovarus results from an abnormality of the talus. It occurs in approximately 2/1000 live births (1), is bilateral in up to 50% of affected children, and may occur alone or as part of a syndrome. Developmental dysplasia of the hip is more common among these children. Similar deformities that result from in utero positioning can be distinguished from talipes equinovarus because they can be easily corrected passively.

    Talipes Equinovarus (Clubfoot)
    Сховати деталі
    This photo shows a patient with uncorrected clubfoot of the left lower extremity.

    Larsen syndrome is a disorder in which children are born with clubfeet and dislocations of the hips, knees, and elbows.

    Treatment of clubfoot requires orthopedic care, which consists initially of repeated cast applications, taping, or use of malleable splints to normalize the foot’s position. If casting is not successful and the abnormality is severe, surgery may be required. Optimally, surgery is done before age 12 months, while the tarsal bones are still cartilaginous. Talipes equinovarus may recur as children grow.

    Довідковий матеріал

    1. 1. Mai CT, Isenburg JL, Canfield MA, et al. National population-based estimates for major birth defects, 2010-2014. Birth Defects Res. 2019;111(18):1420-1435. doi:10.1002/bdr2.1589

    Talipes calcaneovalgus (П'ятково-варусна клишоногість)

    The foot is flat or convex and dorsiflexed with the heel turned outward. The foot can easily be approximated against the lower tibia. Developmental dysplasia of the hip is more common among these children.

    Early treatment with a cast (to place the foot in the equinovarus position) or with corrective braces is usually successful.

    Talipes Calcaneovalgus
    Сховати деталі
    This photo shows calcaneovalgus deformation associated with posteromedial bowing of the tibia.
    © Springer Science+Business Media

    Metatarsus Adductus (приведена стопа)

    The forefoot turns toward the midline. The foot may be supinated at rest. Usually, the foot can be passively abducted and everted beyond the neutral position when the sole is stimulated. Occasionally, an affected foot is rigid, not correcting to neutral. Developmental dysplasia of the hip is more common among these children.

    The deformation usually resolves without treatment during the first year of life. If it does not, casting or surgery (abductory midfoot osteotomy) is required.

    Metatarsus Adductus
    Сховати деталі
    In metatarsus adductus, the foot turns inward.
    © Springer Science+Business Media

    Metatarsus varus (клишоногість)

    The plantar surface of the foot is turned inward, so that the arch is raised. This deformation usually results from in utero positioning. It typically does not resolve after birth and may require corrective casting.

    Metatarsus Varus
    Сховати деталі
    In metatarsus varus, the plantar surface of the foot is turned inward with a raised arch.
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    Pes planus (плоскостопість)

    In pes planus (flat feet), the normal arch in the middle of the feet appears flattened. Until approximately 3 years of age, all children have flat feet and then the arch begins to develop.

    There are 2 main types of flat feet:

    • Flexible flat feet

    • Tarsal coalition

    In flexible flat feet, the feet remain flat because the arch of the foot is unusually flexible. Flexible flat feet usually do not require treatment. However, if an older child has pain or cramps in the feet, corrective shoes may be needed.

    In tarsal coalition, the feet are fixed in a flattened position. Tarsal coalition may be a congenital defect or result from conditions such as injuries or prolonged swelling. Treatment of tarsal coalition often includes a cast. Sometimes surgically separating the stiffened foot joint restores mobility to the foot.

    Pes planus (плоскостопість)
    Сховати деталі
    In pes planus (flat feet), the normal arch in the middle of the feet appears flattened.