Прогресуючий краснушний паненцефаліт

ЗаBrenda L. Tesini, MD, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
Переглянуто/перевірено трав. 2023

Progressive rubella panencephalitis is a neurologic disorder occurring in children with congenital rubella. It is presumably due to persistence or reactivation of rubella virus infection.

Congenital rubella can be acquired by the fetus in utero if a pregnant patient without previous immunity is infected during pregnancy.

Some children with congenital rubella syndrome (eg, with deafness, cataracts, microcephaly, and intellectual disability) develop neurologic deficits in early adolescence.

Diagnosis of Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis

  • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination and serologic testing

  • CT

  • Sometimes brain biopsy

The diagnosis of progressive rubella panencephalitis is considered when a child with congenital rubella develops progressive spasticity, ataxia, mental deterioration, and seizures.

Testing involves at least CSF examination and serologic testing. CSF total protein and globulin and rubella antibody titers in CSF and serum are elevated.

CT may show ventricular enlargement due to cerebellar atrophy and white matter disease.

Brain biopsy may be necessary to exclude other causes of encephalitis or encephalopathy.

Rubella virus usually cannot be recovered by viral culture or immunohistologic testing.

Treatment of Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis

  • Symptom management

No specific progressive rubella panencephalitis treatment exists.

Symptoms (eg, seizures, muscle spasticity, weakness) are managed as appropriate.