Головний біль напруги

(головний біль напруги)

ЗаStephen D. Silberstein, MD, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
Переглянуто/перевірено квіт. 2023

Tension-type headache causes mild generalized pain (usually viselike) without the incapacity, nausea, or photophobia associated with migraine.

(See also Approach to the Patient With Headache.)

Tension-type headaches may be episodic or chronic:

  • Episodic tension-type headaches occur < 15 days/month. Episodic tension-type headache is very common; most patients obtain relief with over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics and do not seek medical attention.

  • Chronic tension-type headaches occur ≥ 15 days/month.

Symptoms and Signs of Tension-Type Headache

The pain of a tension-type headache is usually mild to moderate and often described as viselike. These headaches originate in the occipital or frontal region bilaterally and spread over the entire head.

Unlike migraine headaches, tension-type headaches are not accompanied by nausea and vomiting and are not made worse by physical activity, light, sounds, or smells.

Potential triggers for chronic tension-type headache include

Episodic headaches may last 30 minutes to several days. They typically start several hours after waking and worsen as the day progresses. They rarely awaken patients from sleep.

Chronic headaches may vary in intensity throughout the day but are almost always present.

Diagnosis of Tension-Type Headache

  • Clinical evaluation

Diagnosis of tension-type headache is based on characteristic symptoms and a normal physical examination, which includes a neurologic examination. Potential triggers for chronic tension-type headache should be identified and treated.

Tension-type headache should be distinguished from a forme fruste of migraine, which many patients with migraine have; these headaches have only some features of migraine and resemble tension-type headache, but they are mild and respond to migraine-specific medications.

If severe headaches are thought to be tension-type headaches, the diagnosis should be reconsidered because severe tension-type headaches are often migraines.

Цінні поради та підводні камені

  • Reconsider the diagnosis of tension-type headache if headache is severe, particularly in a patient who has concomitant migraine or a history of prior migraine headaches.

Treatment of Tension-Type Headache

  • Analgesics

  • Sometimes behavioral and psychologic interventions

  • For chronic tension-type headaches, amitriptyline

Some medications used to prevent migraine, particularly amitriptyline, can help prevent chronic tension-type headache.

For most mild to moderate tension-type headaches, OTC analgesics (eg, aspirin, acetaminophen) can provide relief. Massaging the affected area may help.

Behavioral and psychologic interventions (eg, relaxation and stress management techniques) are often used and are effective, especially when combined with medications.