Деякі корисні результати при дисфагії


Possible Cause

Tremor, ataxia, balance disturbance

Parkinson disease

Focal easy fatigability, particularly of facial muscles

Myasthenia gravis

Muscle fasciculation, wasting, weakness

Motor neuron disease, myopathy

Rapidly progressive, constant dysphagia, no neurologic findings

Esophageal obstruction, probably cancer

Food impaction

Eosinophilic esophagitis

Gastrointestinal reflux symptoms

Peptic stricture

Intermittent dysphagia

Lower esophageal ring or distal esophageal spasm

Slow progression (months to years) of dysphagia to solids and then to liquids, sometimes with nocturnal regurgitation


Neck mass, thyromegaly

Extrinsic compression

Dusky, erythematous rash, muscle tenderness


Raynaud phenomenon, arthralgias, skin tightening/contractures of fingers

Systemic sclerosis

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