Деякі причини нетравматичного болю в кінцівці


Suggestive Findings

Diagnostic Approach

Musculoskeletal and soft tissue


Focal erythema (or darker color on dark skin), warmth, tenderness, swelling

Sometimes fever

Clinical evaluation

Sometimes blood and tissue cultures (eg, when patients are immunocompromised)

Deep soft-tissue infection (eg, myonecrosis, necrotizing subcutaneous infection)

Deep, constant pain, typically out of proportion to other findings

Erythema (or darker color on dark skin), warmth, tenderness, tense swelling, fever

Sometimes crepitation, foul discharge, bullae or necrotic areas, signs of systemic toxicity (eg, delirium, tachycardia, pallor, shock)

Blood and tissue cultures


Sometimes MRI


Deep, constant, often nocturnal pain

Bone tenderness, fever

Often risk factors (eg, immunocompromise, parenteral illicit drug use, known contiguous or remote source for infection)

Radiography, MRI, and/or CT 

Sometimes bone culture

Bone tumor (primary or metastatic)

Deep, constant, often nocturnal pain

Bone tenderness

Often a known cancer

Radiography, MRI, and/or CT


Deep venous thrombosis

Swelling, often warmth and/or redness, sometimes venous distension

Often risk factors (eg, hypercoagulable state, recent surgery or immobility, cancer)


Sometimes D-dimer testing

Chronic venous stasis

Mild discomfort with swelling, erythema, and warmth of distal lower extremity

Sometimes shallow ulcerations

Clinical evaluation

Acute ischemia (typically due to arterial embolism, dissection, or thrombosis but sometimes due to massive iliofemoral venous thrombosis that completely obstructs blood flow in the limb)

Sudden, severe pain

Signs of distal limb ischemia (eg, coolness, pallor, pulse deficits, delayed capillary refill)

Sometimes chronic ischemic skin changes (eg, atrophy, hair loss, pale color, ulceration)

After several hours, neurologic deficits and muscle tenderness

Sometimes known peripheral vascular disease

Immediate arteriography

Peripheral arterial insufficiency

Intermittent leg pain triggered predictably by exertion and relieved by rest (intermittent claudication), sometimes rest pain which may worsen with leg elevation

Low ankle-brachial blood pressure index, chronic ischemic skin changes


Sometimes arteriography


Plexopathy (brachial or lumbar)

Usually weakness, often decreased reflexes

Sometimes numbness in a nerve plexus distribution

Usually electrodiagnostic testing (electromyography and nerve conduction velocity)

Sometimes MRI

Thoracic outlet syndrome

Pain and paresthesias beginning in neck or shoulder and extending to medial aspect of arm and hand

Clinical evaluation

Sometimes, electrodiagnostic testing and/or MRI

Radiculopathy (eg, caused by herniated intervertebral disk or bone spurs)

Pain and sometimes sensory deficits following a dermatomal distribution and often worsening with movement

Often neck or back pain

Usually weakness and diminished deep tendon reflexes in a nerve root distribution

Usually MRI

Sometimes electromyography and nerve conduction velocity

Painful polyneuropathy (eg, alcoholic neuropathy)

Chronic, burning pain, typically in both hands or both feet

Sometimes sensory abnormalities such as hypoesthesia, hyperesthesia, and/or allodynia (pain with non-noxious stimuli)

Clinical evaluation

Sometimes electromyography and nerve conduction velocity

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)

Burning pain, hyperesthesia, allodynia,  vasomotor abnormalities

Typically a prior injury (may be remote)

Clinical evaluation


Acute coronary ischemia (causing referred arm pain)

Absence of explanatory physical findings at the site of pain; other suggestive findings (eg, history suggesting coronary artery disease, sweating and/or dyspnea occurring simultaneously with arm pain)

ECG and serum troponin

Sometimes stress testing or coronary angiography

Myofascial pain syndrome

Chronic pain and tenderness along a taut band of muscle, worsening with movement and with pressure on a trigger point (focal area separate from site of pain)

Clinical evaluation

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