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Focal Manifestation

Site of Dysfunction

Bilateral tonic posture

Frontal lobe (supplementary motor cortex)

Simple movements (eg, limb twitching, jacksonian march)

Contralateral frontal lobe

Head and eye deviation with posturing

Supplementary motor cortex

Abnormal taste sensation (dysgeusia)


Visceral or autonomic abnormalities (eg, epigastric aura, salivation)

Insular-orbital-frontal cortex

Olfactory hallucinations

Anteromedial temporal lobe

Chewing movements, salivation, speech arrest

Amygdala, opercular region

Complex behavioral automatisms

Temporal lobe

Unusual behavior suggesting a psychiatric cause or sleep disorder

Frontal lobe

Visual hallucinations (formed images)

Posterior temporal lobe or amygdala-hippocampus

Localized sensory disturbances (eg, tingling or numbness of a limb or half the body)

Parietal lobe (sensory cortex)

Visual hallucinations (unformed images)

Occipital lobe

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