Розподіл результатів тесту гіпотетичного тесту на естеразу лейкоцитів у когорті з 1000 жінок із передбачуваною 5% поширеністю ІСШ


Disease Present

Disease Absent

Total Patients

Test positive

True positive (TP)

36 patients (71% of 50)

False positive (FP)

144 patients (950 806)

180 patients with a positive test

Test negative

False negative (FN)

14 patients (50 36)

True negative (TN)

806 patients (85% of 950)

820 patients with a negative test

Total patients

50 patients with UTI (assumed)

950 patients without UTI (assumed)

1000 patients

Positive predictive value (PPV) = TP/(all with a positive test) = TP/(TP + FP) = 36/(36 + 144) = 20%.

Negative predictive value (NPV) = TN/(all with a negative test) = TN/(TN + FN) = 806/(806 + 14) = 98%.

Positive likelihood ratio (LR+) = sensitivity/(1 specificity) =0.71/(1 0.85) =4.73.

Negative likelihood ratio (LR-) = (1 sensitivity)/specificity = (1 0.71)/0.85 = 0.34.

UTI = urinary tract infection