- Укуси людини та ссавців
- Укуси алігатора, крокодила, ігуани та отруйної ящірки
- Укуси змій
- Укуси багатоніжки
- Укуси комах
- Укуси гусениця гарпії (жерехи)
- Укуси зуднів
- Укуси скорпіона
- Укуси павуків
- Укуси кліщів
- Кліщовий параліч
- Інші укуси членистоногих
- Огляд морських укусів і укусів
- Жала Cnidaria (кишковополостні, такі як медузи і морські анемони)
- Жала молюска
- Укуси морського їжака
- Жала ската
The more common biting non-tick arthropods in the Unites States include
Sand flies
Stable flies
Kissing bugs
Wheel bugs
Certain water bugs
All of these arthropods, except wheel bugs and water bugs, also suck blood, but none is venomous.
Disease transmission is the main concern related to mosquito bites. Mosquitoes may transmit
Some types of encephalitis
Arthropod saliva composition varies considerably, and the lesions caused by bites vary from small papules to large ulcers with swelling and acute pain. Dermatitis may also occur. Most serious consequences result from secondary infection or hypersensitivity reactions, which can be fatal in sensitized people. Flea allergens may trigger respiratory allergy even without a bite in some people.
The location and pattern of wheals and lesions are sometimes diagnostic of the bite source. For example, blackfly bites are usually on the neck, ears, and face; flea bites may be numerous, mostly on the feet and legs; and bedbug bites often occur in linear patterns, most commonly on the torso.
Treatment of Other Arthropod Bites
Routine wound care
For itching, a topical antihistamine or corticosteroid
The arthropod bite should be cleaned, and an antihistamine or corticosteroid cream or ointment should be applied for itching. Severe hypersensitivity reactions should be treated.