Трансплантація тонкої кишки

ЗаMartin Hertl, MD, PhD, Rush University Medical Center
Переглянуто/перевірено серп. 2022

Ресурси за темою

Small-bowel transplantation is done infrequently (eg, 96 transplants in the US in 2021). It is being done less frequently because there are new treatments for secondary cholestatic liver disease (eg, fish oil supplements rich in omega fatty acids) and safer total parenteral nutrition line placement techniques.

Small-bowel transplantation is indicated for patients who

  • Are at risk of death because of intestinal failure secondary to intestinal disorders (eg, gastroschisis, Hirschsprung disease, autoimmune enteritis, congenital enteropathies such as microvillus inclusion disease) or intestinal resection (eg, for mesenteric thromboembolism or extensive Crohn disease)

  • Develop complications of total parenteral nutrition used to treat intestinal failure (eg, liver failure secondary to cholestatic liver disease, recurrent sepsis, total loss of venous access)

  • Have locally invasive tumors that cause obstruction, abscesses, fistulas, ischemia, or hemorrhage (usually desmoid tumors associated with familial polyposis)

(See also Overview of Transplantation.)


Procurement from a brain-dead, beating-heart donor is complex, partly because the small bowel can be transplanted alone, with a liver, or with a stomach, liver, duodenum, and pancreas. The role of living-related donation for partial small-bowel allografts has yet to be defined.

Procedures vary by medical center; posttransplantation immunosuppression regimens also vary, but a typical regimen includes antilymphocyte globulin for induction, followed by high-dose tacrolimus and mycophenolate for maintenance.

Complications of Small-Bowel Transplantation

(See also Posttransplantation Complications.)


Weekly endoscopy is initially indicated to check for rejection. About 30 to 50% of recipients have one or more bouts of rejection within the first year after transplantation. Routine endoscopic surveillance is continued indefinitely.

Symptoms and signs of rejection include diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramping. Endoscopic findings include mucosal erythema, friability, ulceration, and exfoliation; changes are distributed unevenly, may be difficult to detect, and can be differentiated from cytomegalovirus enteritis by viral inclusion bodies. Biopsy findings include blunted villi and inflammatory infiltrates in the lamina propria (see table Manifestations of Small-Bowel Transplant Rejection by Category).

Treatment of acute rejection is high-dose corticosteroids, antithymocyte globulin, or both.


Інші ускладнення

Surgical complications affect 50% of patients and include anastomotic leaks, biliary leaks and strictures, hepatic artery thrombosis, and chylous ascites.

Nonsurgical complications include the following:

  • Graft ischemia

  • Graft-vs-host disease caused by transplantation of gut-associated lymphoid tissue

  • Later development of lymphoproliferative disease

  • Increased risk of infection

Prognosis for Small-Bowel Transplantation

At 1 year, survival rates after small-bowel transplantation alone are

  • Patients: around 65%%

  • Grafts: around 50%

Infections commonly contribute to death.

With liver and small-bowel transplantation, survival rates are lower because the procedure is more extensive and the recipient’s condition is more serious. However, after the perioperative phase, graft and patient survival rates are higher than those after small-bowel transplantation alone, presumably because the transplanted liver has a protective effect, preventing rejection by absorbing and neutralizing antibodies.