- Амбулаторний моніторинг рН
- Аноскопія та сигмоскопія
- Ендоскопія
- Аналіз шлункового соку
- Імпедансна планіметрія
- Лапароскопія
- Манометрія
- Назогастральна інтубація або інтубація кишечника
- Ядерне сканування шлунково-кишкового тракту
- Парацентез
- Рентгенологічне дослідження та інші візуалізуючі дослідження шлунково-кишкового тракту з контрастуванням
- Інші процедури обстеження та лікування шлунково-кишкового тракту
(See also How To Do Anoscopy.)
Anoscopy and sigmoidoscopy are used to evaluate symptoms referable to the rectum or anus (eg, bright rectal bleeding, discharge, protrusions, pain). In addition, sigmoidoscopy also allows for biopsy of colonic tissues and application of intervention such as hemostasis or intraluminal stenting. There are no absolute contraindications, except contraindications for regular endoscopies should be considered. Other relative contraindications include recent anal surgery, anal strictures, and suspected perirectal abscess.
The perianal area and distal rectum can be examined with a 7-cm (typically 19-mm diameter) anoscope, and the rectum and sigmoid can be examined with a rigid 25-cm or a flexible 60-cm instrument. Flexible sigmoidoscopy is much more comfortable for the patient and readily permits photography and biopsy of tissue. Considerable skill is required to pass a rigid sigmoidoscope beyond the rectosigmoid junction (15 cm) without causing discomfort, and this instrument is less commonly used in current practice.
Sigmoidoscopy is done after giving an enema to empty the rectum. IV medications for sedation are usually not needed unless the patient has severe anal pain. The patient is placed in the left lateral position. After external inspection and digital rectal examination, the lubricated instrument is gently inserted past the anal sphincter and advanced into the rectum and sigmoid colon.
Anoscopy may be done without preparation. The anoscope is inserted to its full length, usually with the patient in the left lateral position. Complications of anoscopy are exceedingly rare when the procedure is done properly.