Пухлини очниці

ЗаRichard C. Allen, MD, PhD, University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School
Переглянуто/перевірено лип. 2024

Orbital tumors can be benign or malignant and arise primarily within the orbit or secondarily from an adjacent source, such as the eyelid, paranasal sinus, or intracranial compartment. Orbital tumors can also be metastatic from distant sites.

    Ресурси за темою

    Some types of orbital tumors usually cause proptosis and displacement of the globe in a direction opposite the tumor. Pain, diplopia, and vision loss may also be present. The diagnosis of orbital tumors is suspected based on the history, examination, and neuroimaging (CT, MRI, or both), but confirmation often ultimately requires a biopsy. Causes and treatment vary by age group.


    Benign pediatric tumors are most commonly dermoid tumors and vascular lesions such as infantile hemangioma and lymphatic malformations (1). Treatment of dermoid tumors is excision. Infantile hemangiomas tend to spontaneously involute and therefore usually do not need any treatment; however, especially when located on the upper eyelid, they may affect vision and require treatment with systemic beta-blockers. Small lymphatic malformations that do not cause symptoms may be followed clinically. For larger lymphatic malformations or those that are causing symptoms, options include surgical debulking, intralesional sclerotherapy, and sirolimus (2).

    Malignant pediatric tumors are most commonly rhabdomyosarcoma and metastatic lesions related to leukemia or neuroblastoma. If rhabdomyosarcoma is resectable, surgery is done, followed by chemotherapy and orbital radiation therapy. Leukemic disease is usually managed by orbital radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or both.


    Benign adult tumors are most commonly meningiomas, mucoceles, and cavernous venous malformations (previously known as cavernous hemangiomas) (3). Pleomorphic adenomas of the lacrimal gland are less common. When symptomatic, sphenoid wing meningiomas are treated with debulking via craniotomy, sometimes followed by a course of radiation therapy. Because meningioma cells infiltrate bone of the skull base, complete resection usually is not possible. Mucoceles are treated by draining them into the nose because they most commonly arise from the ethmoid or frontal sinus. Cavernous venous malformations (the most common benign orbital tumor) and lacrimal gland pleomorphic adenomas are excised.

    Кавернозна гемангіома
    Сховати деталі
    In this image, the axial (top) and coronal (bottom) CT scans show a well-demarcated intraconal mass behind the left globe. The mass is a cavernous venous malformation.
    Images courtesy of James Garrity, MD.

    Malignant adult tumors are most commonly lymphoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and metastatic disease. Less commonly, the tumor is an adenoid cystic carcinoma of the lacrimal gland, which is an aggressive tumor.

    Lymphomas involving the orbit are the most frequent malignant orbital tumor and are typically B-cell and characteristically low grade (usually a MALT lymphoma [mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue], also known as extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma). Lymphomas can be bilateral and simultaneous and can be part of a systemic process or exist in the orbit in isolation. Many orbital lymphomas have minimal symptoms and findings despite impressive radiologic findings. Radiation therapy effectively treats orbital lymphomas with few adverse effects, but treatment with monoclonal antibodies (eg, rituximab) against a surface receptor (eg, CD20) on the lymphocyte is also effective and should be considered in addition to or instead of radiation therapy, particularly if lymphoma is systemic.

    Лімфома очниці
    Сховати деталі
    In this image, the first coronal CT scan (left) shows a homogeneous mass conforming to the globe (red arrow). The second coronal CT scan (center) shows a well-demarcated mass in the right lacrimal gland fossa (blue arrow). The axial CT scan (right) shows a homogenous lacrimal fossa mass conforming to the right globe (yellow arrow).
    Images courtesy of James Garrity, MD.

    Most squamous cell carcinomas arise from the adjacent paranasal sinuses. Surgery, radiation therapy, or both form the backbone of therapy.

    Metastatic disease is usually treated with radiation therapy. Metastatic disease involving the orbit is usually an unfavorable prognostic sign; carcinoid tumors are a notable exception.

    Lacrimal gland adenoid cystic carcinoma is treated with surgery and then usually with radiation therapy (sometimes proton beam therapy) or by a protocol using intra-arterial chemotherapy with radiation therapy and surgery.

    Довідкові матеріали загального характеру

    1. 1. Shields JA, Bakewell B, Augsburger JJ: Space-occupying orbital masses in children. A review of 250 consecutive biopsies. Ophthalmology 93(3):379-384, 1986. doi: 10.1016/s0161-6420(86)33731-x

    2. 2. Shoji MK, Shishido S, Freitag SK: The use of sirolimus for treatment of orbital lymphatic malformations: A systematic review. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 36:215-221, 2020. doi: 10.1097/IOP.0000000000001518

    3. 3. Bonavolontà G, Strianese D, Grassi P, et al: An analysis of 2,480 space-occupying lesions of the orbit from 1976 to 2011. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 29(2):79-86, 2013. doi: 10.1097/IOP.0b013e31827a7622