- Кандидоз (шкірно-слизовий)
- Загальні відомості про дерматофітії
- Лишай бороди (свербіж бороди')
- Стригучий лишай голови (стригучий лишай шкіри голови)
- Стригучий лишай тулуба (стригучий лишай тіла)
- Стригучий лишай пахвинної ділянки (свербіж спортсмена)
- Стригучий лишай стопи (стопа атлета')
- Дерматофітидна реакція
- Інтертриго
- Різнокольоровий лишай
Intertrigo is skin maceration in intertriginous areas caused by moisture and/or infection. Diagnosis is typically by clinical appearance. Treatment includes drying agents and sometimes topical antibacterial or antifungal medications.
Intertrigo develops when friction and trapped moisture in intertriginous areas cause skin maceration and inflammation with formation of patches or plaques. Infection by bacteria and yeast is also common.
Typical locations are the inframammary, infrapannicular, interdigital, axillary, infragluteal, and genitocrural folds.
Diagnosis of Intertrigo
Clinical evaluation
Diagnosis of intertrigo is based on clinical appearance; potassium hydroxide wet mounts and cultures can guide treatment.
Differential diagnosis of intertrigo includes
Tinea cruris (for inguinal intertrigo)
Candidal intertrigo
Inverse psoriasis (psoriasis of intertriginous areas)
Occasionally allergic contact dermatitis (resulting from use of wipes after toileting or axillary application of antiperspirants/deodorants)
Treatment of Intertrigo
Drying agents
Sometimes topical antibacterial lotions or antifungal creams
If no bacteria or yeast are detected, drying measures and agents should be therapeutic. Effective options include over-the-counter antiperspirants containing 20% aluminum chloride and Burow solution compresses.
If bacteria or yeast are present, topical antibacterial lotions or antifungal creams are given in addition to drying agents (see table Options for Treatment of Superficial Fungal Infections).