Physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual distress is common among patients living with fatal illness, and patients commonly fear protracted and unrelieved suffering. Health care providers help reassure patients that distressing symptoms are regularly anticipated, prevented and, when present, treated.
Symptom treatment should be based on etiology when possible. For example, vomiting due to hypercalcemia requires different treatment from that due to elevated intracranial pressure. However, diagnosing the cause of a symptom may be inappropriate if testing is burdensome or risky or if specific treatment (eg, major surgery) has already been ruled out. For dying patients, comfort measures, including nonspecific treatment or a short sequential trial of empiric treatments, often serve patients better than an exhaustive diagnostic evaluation.
Because one symptom may have many causes and respond differently to treatment as the patient’s condition deteriorates, the clinical team must monitor and reevaluate the situation frequently. Drug overdosage or underdosage is harmful, and both become more likely as worsening physiology causes changes in drug metabolism and clearance. Prudent reevaluation and appropriate discontinuation of chronic medications is warranted.
When survival is likely to be brief, symptom severity frequently dictates initial and ongoing treatment.
Pain in the Dying Patient
A significant portion of patients experience unrelieved pain at the end of life despite the availability of pain management strategies. Approximately 50% of all patients dying of cancer have severe pain, yet only 50% of patients with severe pain receive reliable pain relief (1). In a nationwide cohort study, about 25% of patients who were in their final week of life had unrelieved pain, despite being prescribed opioids (2). Many patients dying of organ system failure and dementia also have severe pain. Family members and physicians may persistently use inadequate doses of pain medications due to their own misconceptions about pain and the opioids and other medications used to treat it. Clinicians must remember that the signs and symptoms of chronic pain (eg, fatigue, depression, withdrawal from activity, resignation) are quite different from those of acute pain (eg, crying out, localizing the apparent source, agitation, demands for relief).
Patients perceive pain differently, depending partly on whether other factors (eg, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, depression, nausea) are present. Analgesic choice depends largely on pain intensity and cause, which can be determined only by talking with and observing patients. Patients and physicians must recognize that all pain can be relieved by an appropriately potent medication at sufficient dosage, although aggressive treatment may also cause sedation or confusion. Commonly used medications s are aspirin, acetaminophen, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for mild pain; oxycodone for moderate pain; and hydromorphone, morphine, or fentanyl for severe pain (see Patients perceive pain differently, depending partly on whether other factors (eg, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, depression, nausea) are present. Analgesic choice depends largely on pain intensity and cause, which can be determined only by talking with and observing patients. Patients and physicians must recognize that all pain can be relieved by an appropriately potent medication at sufficient dosage, although aggressive treatment may also cause sedation or confusion. Commonly used medications s are aspirin, acetaminophen, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for mild pain; oxycodone for moderate pain; and hydromorphone, morphine, or fentanyl for severe pain (seeTreatment of Pain).
Opioid therapy
In dying patients, oral opioid therapy is convenient and cost-effective. Sublingual administration is also convenient because it does not require patients to swallow. Once a patient is on a stable, effective dose, transdermal patches may be used to provide steady relief without the need for frequent dosing. Opioids can also be given rectally or by injection (IM, IV, or subcutaneously). Long-acting opioids are best for long-lasting pain. Physicians should prescribe opioids in adequate dosages on a continuous basis and make additional, short-acting opioids available for treatment or prevention of breakthrough pain and anticipated painful activities (eg, dressing changes, physical therapy).
Concerns by the public and by health care professionals about addiction may unreasonably limit appropriate use of opioids in dying patients. Even patients with a history of substance use disorder should be prescribed opioid medications for adequate pain relief, though the prescriber can limit the risks of abuse by using formulations that are less likely to be diverted and watching for signs of use outside the prescribed dosages. Strategies to reduce diversion include choice of opioid (eg, methadone and buprenorphine), avoidance of prescribing more pills than needed by the patient, and careful monitoring of medication supply. Pharmacologic dependence will result from regular use, and caution is needed to avoid inadvertent withdrawal. Buprenorphine is an effective and long-lasting opioid that, similar to methadone, is an analgesic and avoids the euphoria that other opioids cause. The kinetics of buprenorphine are more predictable than those of methadone, which requires close monitoring. Meperidine is not recommended for chronic pain because of its short duration of action and increased incidence of adverse effects (eg, seizures). Prescription opioid risk mitigation strategies, such as prescription drug monitoring programs and opioid reversal drugs like naloxone, are not usually necessary for dying patients. Concerns by the public and by health care professionals about addiction may unreasonably limit appropriate use of opioids in dying patients. Even patients with a history of substance use disorder should be prescribed opioid medications for adequate pain relief, though the prescriber can limit the risks of abuse by using formulations that are less likely to be diverted and watching for signs of use outside the prescribed dosages. Strategies to reduce diversion include choice of opioid (eg, methadone and buprenorphine), avoidance of prescribing more pills than needed by the patient, and careful monitoring of medication supply. Pharmacologic dependence will result from regular use, and caution is needed to avoid inadvertent withdrawal. Buprenorphine is an effective and long-lasting opioid that, similar to methadone, is an analgesic and avoids the euphoria that other opioids cause. The kinetics of buprenorphine are more predictable than those of methadone, which requires close monitoring. Meperidine is not recommended for chronic pain because of its short duration of action and increased incidence of adverse effects (eg, seizures). Prescription opioid risk mitigation strategies, such as prescription drug monitoring programs and opioid reversal drugs like naloxone, are not usually necessary for dying patients.
Adverse effects of opioids include nausea, sedation, confusion, constipation, pruritus, and respiratory depression. Opioid-induced constipation should be treated prophylactically. Patients usually develop substantial tolerance to the respiratory depressant and sedative effects of opioids but develop much less tolerance for the analgesic and constipating effects. Opioids may also cause myoclonus, hyperactive delirium, hyperalgesia, and seizures. These neurotoxic effects may result from accumulation of toxic metabolites and usually resolve when another opioid is substituted. Patients with these adverse effects and continued pain often warrant consultation with a palliative care or pain specialist.
When a stable opioid dose becomes inadequate, increasing the dose by 1½ to 2 times the previous dose (eg, calculated based on daily dose) is reasonable. Usually, serious respiratory depression occurs only if the increased dose is much more than twice the previously tolerated dose. Switching from one opioid to another or altering the method of administration reduces adverse effects and improves pain control. Opioids should be "rotated" when adverse symptoms occur. When switching between different opioids, calculating morphine equivalents can aid in determining equianalgesic doses (When a stable opioid dose becomes inadequate, increasing the dose by 1½ to 2 times the previous dose (eg, calculated based on daily dose) is reasonable. Usually, serious respiratory depression occurs only if the increased dose is much more than twice the previously tolerated dose. Switching from one opioid to another or altering the method of administration reduces adverse effects and improves pain control. Opioids should be "rotated" when adverse symptoms occur. When switching between different opioids, calculating morphine equivalents can aid in determining equianalgesic doses (3).
Other adjunctive therapies
Use of adjunctive medications for pain relief often increases comfort and reduces the opioid dosage and consequent risk of adverse effects. Corticosteroids reduce the pain of inflammation and swelling. Tricyclic antidepressants (eg, nortriptyline, doxepin) help manage Use of adjunctive medications for pain relief often increases comfort and reduces the opioid dosage and consequent risk of adverse effects. Corticosteroids reduce the pain of inflammation and swelling. Tricyclic antidepressants (eg, nortriptyline, doxepin) help manageneuropathic pain; doxepin provides bedtime sedation as well. The serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) duloxetine also works well for neuropathic pain. The anticonvulsant and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) analog gabapentin helps relieve neuropathic pain. Ketamine is an effective nonopioid alternative for treating pain. Benzodiazepines are useful for patients whose pain is worsened by anxiety.; doxepin provides bedtime sedation as well. The serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) duloxetine also works well for neuropathic pain. The anticonvulsant and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) analog gabapentin helps relieve neuropathic pain. Ketamine is an effective nonopioid alternative for treating pain. Benzodiazepines are useful for patients whose pain is worsened by anxiety.
For severe localized pain, regional nerve blocks administered by an anesthesiologist or physician trained in pain management may provide relief with few adverse effects. Various nerve-blocking techniques may be used. Indwelling epidural or intrathecal catheters provide continuous infusion of analgesics, often mixed with anesthetic drugs.
Pain-modification techniques (eg, guided imagery, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, yoga, relaxation, biofeedback, Reiki) help some patients. Counseling for stress and anxiety may be very useful, as may spiritual support from a chaplain or religious leader. Other modalities such as art therapy, music therapy, and aromatherapy may be complementary to medications.
Patients at end of life use cannabis products for a variety of symptoms, including relief of pain, insomnia, agitation, and depression. The available evidence to support the use of cannabis products for palliative care is limited and mostly of low quality, partly due to lack of standardization of cannabis being used, outcomes measured, and other methodologic issues (4). Patients who reasonably choose to try one of the various forms of cannabis for symptom relief should be evaluated periodically for its effects. Low-dose or intermittent use of cannabis generally has few interactions with other medications. However, a variety of drug interactions has been reported with cannabidiol (CBD) (eg, via cytochrome P). Patients who reasonably choose to try one of the various forms of cannabis for symptom relief should be evaluated periodically for its effects. Low-dose or intermittent use of cannabis generally has few interactions with other medications. However, a variety of drug interactions has been reported with cannabidiol (CBD) (eg, via cytochrome P450), leading to increased concentrations of drugs metabolized by these pathways (5). Advice from a skilled clinical pharmacologist may be helpful in such circumstances.
Many patients and families approach serious illnesses with reliance on remedies that are not visible in mainstream medicine, including herbs, unconventional uses of medications, manipulations of the skin and body, prayer, and ritual. Clinicians must discuss these practices and treatments in an open and affirming way so patients and families are willing to describe all of their remedies. Some therapies have substantial interactions with intended traditional medical care, such as drug-drug interactions, and these must be considered in creating the overall care plan. Other practices, such as prayer, are medically harmless and, if they seem to help with the patient's overall sense of well being, may be encouraged, contemporaneously with ongoing traditional medical care. Even when patients choose to discontinue traditional medical treatments, clinicians should maintain a professional relationship and be available if problems or questions arise.
Pain references
1. van den Beuken-van Everdingen MH, Hochstenbach LM, Joosten EA, Tjan-Heijnen VC, Janssen DJ: Update on Prevalence of Pain in Patients With Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2016;51(6):1070-1090.e9. doi:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2015.12.340
2. Klint Å, Bondesson E, Rasmussen BH, Fürst CJ, Schelin MEC: Dying With Unrelieved Pain-Prescription of Opioids Is Not Enough. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2019;58(5):784-791.e1. doi:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2019.07.006
3. Nielsen S, Degenhardt L, Hoban B, Gisev N: A synthesis of oral morphine equivalents (OME) for opioid utilisation studies. : A synthesis of oral morphine equivalents (OME) for opioid utilisation studies.Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2016;25(6):733-737. doi:10.1002/pds.3945
4. Kogan M, Sexton M: Medical Cannabis: A New Old Tool for Palliative Care. J Altern Complement Med. 2020;26(9):776-778. doi:10.1089/acm.2019.0184
5. Balachandran P, Elsohly M, Hill KP. Cannabidiol Interactions with Medications, Illicit Substances, and Alcohol: a Comprehensive Review.. Cannabidiol Interactions with Medications, Illicit Substances, and Alcohol: a Comprehensive Review. J Gen Intern Med. 2021;36(7):2074-2084. doi:10.1007/s11606-020-06504-8
Dyspnea in the Dying Patient
Dyspnea, one of the most feared symptoms, is extremely frightening to dying patients. The main causes of dyspnea are heart and lung disorders. Other factors include severe anemia and chest wall or abdominal disorders that cause painful respiration (eg, rib fracture) or that impede respiration (eg, massive ascites). Metabolic acidosis causes tachypnea but does not usually cause a sensation of dyspnea. Anxiety (sometimes due to delirium or pain) causes tachypnea with or without a sensation of dyspnea.
Reversible causes should be treated specifically. For example, placing a chest tube for tension pneumothorax or draining a pleural effusion provides quick and definitive relief. Supplemental oxygen can sometimes correct hypoxemia. Nebulized albuterol and oral or injectable corticosteroids may relieve bronchospasm and bronchial inflammation. However, if death is imminent or a definitive treatment for the cause of dyspnea is not available, proper symptomatic treatment assures patients they will be comfortable, regardless of the cause. If death is expected and goals of care focus on comfort, then pulse oximetry, arterial blood gases, electrocardiography, and imaging are not indicated. Clinicians should use general comfort-oriented treatments including positioning (eg, sitting up), increasing air movement with a fan or open window, and bedside relaxation techniques.Reversible causes should be treated specifically. For example, placing a chest tube for tension pneumothorax or draining a pleural effusion provides quick and definitive relief. Supplemental oxygen can sometimes correct hypoxemia. Nebulized albuterol and oral or injectable corticosteroids may relieve bronchospasm and bronchial inflammation. However, if death is imminent or a definitive treatment for the cause of dyspnea is not available, proper symptomatic treatment assures patients they will be comfortable, regardless of the cause. If death is expected and goals of care focus on comfort, then pulse oximetry, arterial blood gases, electrocardiography, and imaging are not indicated. Clinicians should use general comfort-oriented treatments including positioning (eg, sitting up), increasing air movement with a fan or open window, and bedside relaxation techniques.
Opioids are the drugs of choice for dyspnea near the end of life. Low doses of morphine as needed help reduce breathlessness in an opioid-naive patient. Morphine may blunt the medullary response to CO2 retention or O2 decline, reducing dyspnea and decreasing anxiety without causing harmful respiratory depression. If a patient is currently taking opioids for pain, dosages that relieve the new onset of dyspnea often must be double the patient’s usual dosage. Benzodiazepines often help relieve anxiety caused by dyspnea and the fear of a return of dyspnea. Opioids are the drugs of choice for dyspnea near the end of life. Low doses of morphine as needed help reduce breathlessness in an opioid-naive patient. Morphine may blunt the medullary response to CO2 retention or O2 decline, reducing dyspnea and decreasing anxiety without causing harmful respiratory depression. If a patient is currently taking opioids for pain, dosages that relieve the new onset of dyspnea often must be double the patient’s usual dosage. Benzodiazepines often help relieve anxiety caused by dyspnea and the fear of a return of dyspnea.
Oxygen may also give psychological comfort to patients and family members even if hypoxemia persists. Patients usually prefer oxygen via nasal cannula. An oxygen face mask may increase agitation in a dying patient. Nebulized saline may help patients with viscous secretions.
The "death rattle" is noisy breathing that results from air moving across pooled secretions in the oropharynx and bronchi and often portends death in hours or days. The death rattle is not usually a source of discomfort for the dying patient but can disturb family members and caregivers. To minimize the death rattle, caregivers should limit patients' fluid intake (eg, oral, IV, enteral) and position patients on their side or semi-prone. Oropharyngeal suctioning is generally ineffective in reaching the pooled secretions and may cause discomfort. Airway congestion is best managed with an anticholinergic drug such as scopolamine, glycopyrrolate, or atropine. Adverse effects mostly occur with repeated doses and include blurred vision, sedation, delirium, palpitations, hallucinations, constipation, and urinary retention. Glycopyrrolate does not cross the blood-brain barrier and results in fewer neurotoxic adverse effects than other anticholinergic medications. The "death rattle" is noisy breathing that results from air moving across pooled secretions in the oropharynx and bronchi and often portends death in hours or days. The death rattle is not usually a source of discomfort for the dying patient but can disturb family members and caregivers. To minimize the death rattle, caregivers should limit patients' fluid intake (eg, oral, IV, enteral) and position patients on their side or semi-prone. Oropharyngeal suctioning is generally ineffective in reaching the pooled secretions and may cause discomfort. Airway congestion is best managed with an anticholinergic drug such as scopolamine, glycopyrrolate, or atropine. Adverse effects mostly occur with repeated doses and include blurred vision, sedation, delirium, palpitations, hallucinations, constipation, and urinary retention. Glycopyrrolate does not cross the blood-brain barrier and results in fewer neurotoxic adverse effects than other anticholinergic medications.
Anorexia in the Dying Patient
Anorexia and marked weight loss are common among dying patients. For family members, accepting the patient’s poor oral intake is often difficult because it means accepting that the patient is dying. Patients should be offered their favorite foods whenever possible. Conditions that may cause poor intake and are often easily treatable include gastritis, constipation, toothaches, oral candidiasis, pain, and nausea. Some patients benefit from appetite stimulants such as oral corticosteroids (dexamethasone or prednisone), megestrol, or mirtazapine. However, if a patient is close to death, family members should be helped to understand that neither food nor hydration is necessary to maintain the patient’s comfort.Anorexia and marked weight loss are common among dying patients. For family members, accepting the patient’s poor oral intake is often difficult because it means accepting that the patient is dying. Patients should be offered their favorite foods whenever possible. Conditions that may cause poor intake and are often easily treatable include gastritis, constipation, toothaches, oral candidiasis, pain, and nausea. Some patients benefit from appetite stimulants such as oral corticosteroids (dexamethasone or prednisone), megestrol, or mirtazapine. However, if a patient is close to death, family members should be helped to understand that neither food nor hydration is necessary to maintain the patient’s comfort.
IV fluids and nutritional support (eg, parenteral nutrition, enteral nutrition) do not prolong the life of dying patients, may increase discomfort, and even hasten death. Adverse effects of artificial nutrition in dying patients can include pulmonary congestion, pneumonia, edema, and pain associated with inflammation. Conversely, dehydration and ketosis due to low caloric intake correlate with analgesic effects and absence of discomfort. The only reported discomfort due to dehydration near death is xerostomia, which can be prevented and relieved with oral swabs or ice chips.
Debilitated and cachectic patients may live for several weeks with no food and minimal hydration. Family members should understand that stopping medically supplied fluids does not result in the patient’s immediate death and ordinarily does not hasten death. Supportive care, including good oral hygiene, is imperative for patient comfort during this time (see also Nutritional Support for Patients Who Are Dying).
Voluntary stopping of eating and drinking (VSED) is a deliberate decision by a competent individual to hasten death by ceasing intake of food and fluids (1).
Anorexia reference
1. Wechkin H, Macauley R, Menzel PT, Reagan PL, Simmers N, Quill TE: Clinical Guidelines for Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking (VSED). J Pain Symptom Manage. 2023;66(5):e625-e631. doi:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2023.06.016
Nausea and Vomiting in the Dying Patient
Many seriously ill patients experience nausea, frequently without vomiting. Nausea may arise with gastrointestinal problems (eg, constipation, gastritis), metabolic abnormalities (eg, hypercalcemia, uremia), adverse effects of medications, increased intracranial pressure secondary to brain cancer, and psychosocial stress. When possible, treatment should match the likely cause—eg, stopping NSAIDs, treating gastritis with proton pump inhibitors, prescribing corticosteroids for patients with known or suspected brain metastases. If nausea is due to gastric distention and reflux, metoclopramide is useful because it increases gastric tone and contractions while relaxing the pyloric sphincter.Many seriously ill patients experience nausea, frequently without vomiting. Nausea may arise with gastrointestinal problems (eg, constipation, gastritis), metabolic abnormalities (eg, hypercalcemia, uremia), adverse effects of medications, increased intracranial pressure secondary to brain cancer, and psychosocial stress. When possible, treatment should match the likely cause—eg, stopping NSAIDs, treating gastritis with proton pump inhibitors, prescribing corticosteroids for patients with known or suspected brain metastases. If nausea is due to gastric distention and reflux, metoclopramide is useful because it increases gastric tone and contractions while relaxing the pyloric sphincter.
The 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)3 antagonists ondansetron and granisetron often dramatically relieve nausea. Patients with no specific cause of nausea may benefit from treatment with a phenothiazine such as prochlorperazine. Anticholinergic medications such as scopolamine and the antihistamines meclizine and diphenhydramine prevent recurrent nausea in many patients. Combining low doses of the previously mentioned medications often improves efficacy. Intractable nausea may respond to haloperidol. The 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)3 antagonists ondansetron and granisetron often dramatically relieve nausea. Patients with no specific cause of nausea may benefit from treatment with a phenothiazine such as prochlorperazine. Anticholinergic medications such as scopolamine and the antihistamines meclizine and diphenhydramine prevent recurrent nausea in many patients. Combining low doses of the previously mentioned medications often improves efficacy. Intractable nausea may respond to haloperidol.
Nausea and pain due to intestinal obstruction are common among patients with widespread abdominal cancer. Generally, IV fluids and nasogastric suction are more burdensome than useful. Patients may prefer to vomit occasionally rather than have nasogastric suction. Symptoms of nausea, pain, and intestinal spasm respond to hyoscyamine, scopolamine, morphine, or any of the other previously mentioned antiemetics. Octreotide inhibits gastrointestinal secretions and dramatically reduces nausea and painful distention. Given with antiemetics, Nausea and pain due to intestinal obstruction are common among patients with widespread abdominal cancer. Generally, IV fluids and nasogastric suction are more burdensome than useful. Patients may prefer to vomit occasionally rather than have nasogastric suction. Symptoms of nausea, pain, and intestinal spasm respond to hyoscyamine, scopolamine, morphine, or any of the other previously mentioned antiemetics. Octreotide inhibits gastrointestinal secretions and dramatically reduces nausea and painful distention. Given with antiemetics,octreotide usually eliminates the need for nasogastric suctioning. Corticosteroids (dexamethasone) may decrease obstructive inflammation at the tumor site and temporarily relieve the obstruction. IV fluids may exacerbate obstructive edema.usually eliminates the need for nasogastric suctioning. Corticosteroids (dexamethasone) may decrease obstructive inflammation at the tumor site and temporarily relieve the obstruction. IV fluids may exacerbate obstructive edema.
Constipation in the Dying Patient
Constipation is common among dying patients because of inactivity, use of opioids, and medications with anticholinergic effects, as well as decreased intake of fluids and dietary fiber. Regular bowel movements are essential to the comfort of dying patients, until the last day or two of life. Monitoring bowel function is essential. Laxatives prevent fecal impaction, especially in patients receiving opioids. Most patients do well on a twice daily regimen of a mild stimulant laxative (eg, casanthranol, senna). If stimulant laxatives cause cramping discomfort, patients may respond to an osmotic laxative, such as lactulose or sorbitol. Although there are a wide variety of laxatives, none has been proven to be superior to others in this clinical situation (Constipation is common among dying patients because of inactivity, use of opioids, and medications with anticholinergic effects, as well as decreased intake of fluids and dietary fiber. Regular bowel movements are essential to the comfort of dying patients, until the last day or two of life. Monitoring bowel function is essential. Laxatives prevent fecal impaction, especially in patients receiving opioids. Most patients do well on a twice daily regimen of a mild stimulant laxative (eg, casanthranol, senna). If stimulant laxatives cause cramping discomfort, patients may respond to an osmotic laxative, such as lactulose or sorbitol. Although there are a wide variety of laxatives, none has been proven to be superior to others in this clinical situation (1).
Soft fecal impaction may be treated with a bisacodyl suppository or saline enema. For a hard fecal impaction, a mineral oil enema may be given, possibly with an oral benzodiazepine (eg, lorazepam) or an analgesic, followed by digital disimpaction. After disimpaction, patients should be placed on a more aggressive bowel regimen to avoid recurrence.Soft fecal impaction may be treated with a bisacodyl suppository or saline enema. For a hard fecal impaction, a mineral oil enema may be given, possibly with an oral benzodiazepine (eg, lorazepam) or an analgesic, followed by digital disimpaction. After disimpaction, patients should be placed on a more aggressive bowel regimen to avoid recurrence.
Constipation reference
1. Candy B, Jones L, Larkin PJ, et al: Laxatives for the management of constipation in people receiving palliative care. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 5. Art. No.: CD003448, 2015. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003448.pub4
Pressure Injuries in the Dying Patient
Many dying patients are immobile, poorly nourished, incontinent, and cachectic and are at substantial risk of pressure injuries. Prevention requires relieving pressure by shifting the patient’s weight every 2 hours; a specialized mattress or continuously inflated air-suspension bed may also help. Incontinent patients should be kept as dry as possible. Generally, use of an indwelling catheter, with its inconvenience and risk of infection, is justified when bedding changes cause pain or when patients or family members strongly prefer it. Pressure wounds warrant debriding and other intrusive treatments only if the patient is likely to live for months. Otherwise, pressure wounds are unlikely to heal or improve in most dying patients; thus, intrusive treatments are often troublesome and without benefit.
Delirium and Confusion in the Dying Patient
Psychological changes that accompany the terminal stage of a disorder may distress patients and family members; however, patients are often unaware of them. Delirium is common though somewhat preventable with repeated reorientation, the calming presence of a caring person, and limiting the use of psychoactive medications (1). Causes of delirium include medications, sleep deprivation, hypoxia, metabolic disturbances, and intrinsic central nervous system disorders. If the cause can be determined, simple treatment may enable patients to communicate more meaningfully with family members and friends. For example, sleep deprivation may be caused by poorly controlled pain. Confusion in debilitated patients is worsened by sleep deprivation, which may be prevented by using a familiar bedtime routine and darkened room.
Agitated patients often benefit from a calming human presence, prayer, massage, and physical activity. Antipsychotic medications or benzodiazepines may also help, but they often cause substantial adverse effects, including confusion. Patients near death who are confused or calmly hallucinating, but who appear comfortable and less aware of their surroundings may do better with no treatment. Sometimes the patient reports seeing loved ones long dead or having memories, such as of a packed suitcase, that may be reassuring to the patient but disorienting to the family.
Family members and visitors may help lessen confusion by frequently holding the patient’s hand, repeating where the patient is, and describing what is happening. Patients with severe terminal agitation resistant to other measures may respond best to barbiturates. However, family members should be told that, after these medications are used, patients may not regain the capacity for coherent interaction. Medications to consider include pentobarbital, a rapid-onset, short-acting barbiturate, and phenobarbital, which is longer-acting.Family members and visitors may help lessen confusion by frequently holding the patient’s hand, repeating where the patient is, and describing what is happening. Patients with severe terminal agitation resistant to other measures may respond best to barbiturates. However, family members should be told that, after these medications are used, patients may not regain the capacity for coherent interaction. Medications to consider include pentobarbital, a rapid-onset, short-acting barbiturate, and phenobarbital, which is longer-acting.
Delirium and confusion reference
1. Delirium: prevention, diagnosis and management in hospital and long-term care. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); January 18, 2023.
Frailty, Dementia, and Neuromuscular Diseases in the Dying Patient
Frailty, dementia, and neuromuscular diseases (eg, advanced Parkinson disease) have a prolonged course with declining function and persistently unclear prognosis for survival. Family members often provide personal care for years, and the patient may be unable to demonstrate appreciation for the assistance. The medical team must work with caregivers to prevent falls, infections, and endangering behaviors by the patient, as well as to provide encouragement and support to the family and caregivers. Constancy of responsiveness, awareness of and navigation to support services in the community, and thoughtful plans of care for the patient's chronic conditions are very helpful. Death may become predictable due to an intercurrent illness such as infection or stroke, but patients can survive with minimal functional capacity for long periods with reliable personal care. For such patients, issues around decline and death should be anticipated and plans of care should be developed.
Depression and Suicide in the Dying Patient
Most dying patients experience some depressive symptoms. Providing psychological support and allowing patients to express concerns and feelings are usually the best approach. A skilled social worker, physician, nurse, or chaplain can help with these concerns.
A trial of antidepressants is often appropriate for patients who have both persistent, clinically significant depression and a predicted survival duration longer than the typical 2- to 4-week onset of antidepressant effect. Depressed patients with anxiety and insomnia may benefit from a sedating tricyclic antidepressant given at bedtime. For patients who are withdrawn or who have vegetative signs, methylphenidate may be started and quickly provides a few days or weeks of increased energy for patients who are fatigued or somnolent because of analgesics and advanced illness. Methylphenidate has a rapid effect but may precipitate agitation. Although its duration of action is short, adverse effects are also short-lived., methylphenidate may be started and quickly provides a few days or weeks of increased energy for patients who are fatigued or somnolent because of analgesics and advanced illness. Methylphenidate has a rapid effect but may precipitate agitation. Although its duration of action is short, adverse effects are also short-lived.
Serious medical illness is a significant risk factor for suicidality. Risk factors for suicide are common among those sick enough to die; they include advanced age, male sex, psychiatric comorbidity, financial strain, an end-stage HIV infection (AIDS) diagnosis, and uncontrolled pain. Cancer patients have nearly twice the incidence of suicide than the general population, and patients with lung, gastric, and head and neck cancers have the highest suicide rates among all patients with cancer (1). Clinicians should routinely screen seriously ill patients for depression and suicidal thoughts and plans. To protect both patients and caregivers, the medical team should screen every dying patient and family for firearms and other weapons and encourage safely securing all weapons (eg, firearms secured and stored separately from ammunition). Psychiatrists should urgently evaluate all patients who threaten self-harm or have suicidal thoughts.
Depression and suicide reference
1. Kam D, Salib A, Gorgy G, et al: Incidence of Suicide in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2015;141(12):1075-1081. doi:10.1001/jamaoto.2015.2480
Stress and Grief Surrounding the Dying Patient
Some people approach death peacefully, but more typically patients and family members have stressful periods. Death is particularly stressful when interpersonal conflicts prevent patients and family members from sharing their last moments together. Such conflicts can lead to excessive guilt or inability to grieve in survivors and cause anguish in patients. A family member who cares for a dying relative at home may experience physical injuries (eg, from trying to prevent a fall in a weakening patient), emotional stress, and suffering. Usually, stress in patients and family members responds to compassion, information, counseling, and sometimes brief psychotherapy. Community services may be available to relieve caregiver burden. Sedatives should be used sparingly and briefly.
When a partner dies, the survivor may be overwhelmed by making decisions about legal issues, financial matters, or household management. For an older couple, the death of one partner may reveal the survivor’s cognitive impairment, for which the deceased person had compensated. The clinical team should identify such high-risk situations so that they can mobilize the resources needed to prevent undue suffering and dysfunction. Hospice programs that receive Medicare funds in the United States are required to provide bereavement services to family and friends for at least a year after the death of the hospice patient.
Grieving is a normal process that usually begins before an anticipated death. For patients, grief often starts with denial caused by fears about loss of control, separation, suffering, an uncertain future, and loss of self. The stages after loss previously were thought to occur in the following order: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. However, the stages that patients and survivors go through and their order of occurrence vary. Members of the clinical team can help patients and families accept the prognosis by listening to their concerns, helping them understand that they can control important elements of their lives, explaining how the disorder will worsen and how death will come, and assuring them that their physical symptoms will be controlled. Sometimes discussing with future survivors the specific tasks that need to be dealt with after the death (eg, how to be notified and what memorial services will take place), helps them begin to cope pragmatically. If grief is still very severe or causes psychosis or suicidal ideation or if the patient or family member has a previous severe psychiatric disorder, referral for professional evaluation and grief counseling may help the person cope.
Any clinical team member who knows the patient and family members can aid them through this process and direct them to professional services if needed. Physicians and other clinical team members should develop regular procedures that ensure follow-up for grieving family members.