Urethral catheterization is insertion of a flexible catheter through the urethra into the urinary bladder.
Several types of catheters are available. If a catheter cannot be inserted, suprapubic aspiration of the bladder may be necessary. (See also Bladder Catheterization, How To Do Urethral Catheterization in a Female, and Urinary Tract Infection in Children.)
Indications for Bladder Catheterization: Female Child
Bladder catheterization can be done for diagnosis and/or treatment.
The main reason to insert a bladder catheter in female children is to
Collect a sterile urine sample for testing in very young children who cannot void on command
Less common reasons include
Relief of acute or chronic urinary retention (obstructive uropathy)
Intermittent catheterization of a neurogenic bladder
Instillation of contrast agent for cystourethrography
Bladder irrigation
Instillation of a medicine
Monitoring of urine output in certain hospitalized patients (indwelling catheter; not discussed here)
Contraindications for Bladder Catheterization: Female Child
Absolute contraindications
Suspected lower urinary tract disruption from recent trauma
In trauma patients, lower urinary tract disruption (suggested by perineal hematoma, bleeding from the meatus, or pelvic bone injury) should be ruled out by retrograde urethrography or vaginal examination (and sometimes cystoscopy) before doing bladder catheterization.
Relative contraindications
Known major abnormalities of the lower urinary tract
History of urethral strictures
Prior urethral or bladder neck reconstruction
History of difficult catheter placement
Complications for Bladder Catheterization: Female Child
Complications include
Superficial urethral or bladder injury with bleeding (common)
Urinary tract infection (UTI; common)
Creation of false passages
Scarring and strictures
Bladder perforation (rare)
Equipment for Bladder Catheterization: Female Child
Sometimes prepackaged kits are available; if not, equipment required typically includes
Sterile drapes and gloves
An absorbent underpad
Antiseptic solution (eg, povidone-iodine, chlorhexidine) with application sticks, cotton balls, or gauze padsAntiseptic solution (eg, povidone-iodine, chlorhexidine) with application sticks, cotton balls, or gauze pads
Sterile water-soluble lubricant (with or without 2% lidocaine)Sterile water-soluble lubricant (with or without 2% lidocaine)
Sterile cup for collecting urine specimen
Urethral catheter size varies with age: neonate (full term) to 6 months—5 to 6 French (Fr); infant or toddler—6 to 8 Fr; prepuberal child—10 to 12 Fr; adolescent—12 to 14 Fr
Washcloth for removing antiseptic solution after the procedure
Additional Considerations for Bladder Catheterization: Female Child
Sterile technique is necessary to prevent a lower UTI.
Ensure the patient is not allergic to latex or povidone-iodine.Ensure the patient is not allergic to latex or povidone-iodine.
If doing multiple procedures, do bladder catheterization first, as the child may void during the other procedures.
Relevant Anatomy for Bladder Catheterization: Female Child
The pediatric female anatomy is similar to the adult's, with a difference in size.
The female urethral meatus is the first opening below the clitoris and is located above the vaginal opening. It can be difficult to visualize if it appears closed. Also, young girls may have labial adhesions, which can make visualization of the meatus more difficult.
The urethra is short and straight and thus easy to catheterize.
Positioning for Bladder Catheterization: Female Child
Place the patient in a supine, frog position (hips and knees partially flexed, heels on the bed, hips comfortably abducted).
An assistant should hold the legs or knees.
Step-by-Step Description of Bladder Catheterization: Female Child
The in-and-out insertion of a catheter is described here.
Allow one or both parents or caretakers to remain present to comfort the child. Having them hold the child's hand, provide a stuffed animal for the child to play with, or engage in other distraction techniques can help. Occasionally sedation is needed.
Place all equipment within easy reach on an uncontaminated sterile field on a bedside tray.
Open the prepackaged kit, taking care not to contaminate the contents.
Place the absorbent underpad with the plastic side down beneath the buttocks.
Remove diaper if present and clean the area with a wet washcloth using soap and water. Dry the area with a dry towel. Then wash your hands with soap and water.
Put on gloves using sterile technique.
Apply the sterile lubricant to the end of the catheter and place on the sterile field.
Saturate the application sticks, cotton balls, or gauze with antiseptic solution (eg, povidone-iodine).Saturate the application sticks, cotton balls, or gauze with antiseptic solution (eg, povidone-iodine).
Place the sterile fenestrated drape over the pelvis so that the vulva is exposed.
With your nondominant hand, separate the labia to expose the meatus.
Cleanse the area around the meatus with each application stick, gauze pad, or cotton ball saturated in povidone-iodine. Swab the area with an anterior-to-posterior motion. Discard or set aside the newly contaminated application stick, gauze pad, or cotton balls. If using povidone-iodine, cleanse 3 times then allow the area to dry.Cleanse the area around the meatus with each application stick, gauze pad, or cotton ball saturated in povidone-iodine. Swab the area with an anterior-to-posterior motion. Discard or set aside the newly contaminated application stick, gauze pad, or cotton balls. If using povidone-iodine, cleanse 3 times then allow the area to dry.
Hold the catheter in your dominant free hand. Separate the labia with your nondominant hand. If the meatus is difficult to see, gently pull the vaginal introitus mucosa downward.
Advance the catheter gently through the urethra just until urine is obtained. Do not poke repeatedly or force the catheter. Urine should flow freely.
If the catheter has entered the vagina, leave that catheter in place as a landmark and obtain another catheter.
Collect urine in the specimen container. If the volume is insufficient, gently massage the lower abdomen over the bladder (suprapubic area).
Remove the catheter by pulling out gently.
Remove all remaining povidone-iodine with a wet washcloth.Remove all remaining povidone-iodine with a wet washcloth.
Aftercare for Bladder Catheterization: Female Child
Remove the drapes.
Warnings and Common Errors for Bladder Catheterization: Female Child
To prevent causing a UTI, maintain strict sterile technique during the procedure.
To prevent causing blind passages and urethral injury, do not use excessive force during insertion.
Tips and Tricks for Bladder Catheterization: Female Child
Do not proceed with continued attempts at catheter placement if significant resistance is met or if the catheter feels as if it is buckling inside and not advancing.
If the catheter appears to be in the correct position but urine does not return, lubricant may be obstructing the drainage of urine. With the catheter held in the current position, flush the catheter with normal saline to dislodge the lubricant and see if urine returns prior to proceeding with the remaining steps.
If the catheter appears to be in the correct position but urine does not return and there is the possibility of anuria due to dehydration, consider providing hydration (appropriate to the patient's clinical condition) before the procedure is attempted again.
If the catheter appears to be in the vaginal opening, leave the catheter in temporarily. Reattempt catheterization of the urethral opening with a fresh sterile catheter; the previously placed vaginal catheter will prevent you from entering the incorrect orifice. Once urethral catheterization is complete, remove the vaginal catheter.
Consult a urologist for any issues with catheter placement or guidance on catheter size and style in select clinical scenarios. In certain situations where a catheter cannot be placed, a suprapubic percutaneous aspiration may be indicated.