Selected Screening Recommendations for Older Patients

Disease to Be Detected




Abdominal aortic aneurysm

Abdominal ultrasonography

Once between age 65–75

For men who have ever smoked: B recommendation by the USPSTF

For men who have never smoked: C recommendation by the USPSTF

For women who have ever smoked: I recommendation by the USPSTF

For women who have never smoked: D recommendation by the USPSTF

Abuse or neglect

Inquire about mistreatment (eg "Are there any problems with family or household members that you would like to tell me about?")

At least once

For all older patients: I recommendation by the USPSTF

Alcohol misuse

Alcoholism screening questionnaire (eg, AUDIT, AUDIT-C)


For all adults, including those 65: B recommendation by the USPSTF

For all patients with a positive screening test: B recommendation by USPSTF for brief behavioral counseling interventions

For patients who meet the criteria for alcohol use disorder: Abstinence recommended

ASCVD (atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease [1])

Framingham criteria (up to age 75)

Reynolds Risk Score (up to age 80)

Multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis (MESA) score (up to age 85)

Every 5 years

People with multiple global risk factors‡ more frequently

Possibly measurement of serum lipid levels, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, and/or ABI, recommended by the ACC/AHA (2)

Older women: screened in the same way as older men

Cognitive impairment (eg, dementia, delirium)

Cognitive impairment screening instrument (eg, Mini-Cog)


For community-living adults > 65: I recommendation by the USPSTF

Depression (major depressive disorder)

Depression screening questionnaire (eg, PHQ-2)


For all adults, including those 65: B recommendation by the USPSTF†

Diabetes mellitus, type 2

Fasting plasma glucose level


For adults 35–70 with overweight or obesity: B recommendation by the USPSTF

For adults > 35 with overweight, obesity, or other risk factors§: At least every 3 years recommended by the ADA (3)

Fall risk

Inquiry about falls during the previous year and about difficulty with walking or balance

Get-Up-and-Go test, STEADI, or another fall risk assessment tool


For all adults > 65: Use of a fall risk assessment tool recommended by the AGS and BGS (4)

For community-dwelling patients ≥ 65 who have an increased risk of falls: B recommendation by the USPSTF for exercise interventions


Intraocular pressure measurement


For all adults < 40: I recommendation by the USPSTF

Hearing deficits

Bedside hearing test


For all adults ≥ 50: I recommendation by the USPSTF

HIV infection

HIV testing of serum, blood, or oral fluid

At least once

For all adults 15–65 and for patients > 65 with HIV risk factors: A recommendation by the USPSTF


Blood pressure measurement

Every 3–5 years for people 18–39 with normal blood pressure and no risk factors

Annually for people > 40 and those with high-normal blood pressure and/or risk factors (eg, overweight or obesity, sedentary lifestyle, strong family history, African-American)

For all people 18: A recommendation by USPSTF (treatment based on the initial office blood pressure measurement and additional measurements outside of the office)

Obesity-related morbidity and mortality

Height and weight measurement

BMI (kg/m2) calculation¶

At least yearly as needed

For all adults with a BMI> 30: Referral for multicomponent behavioral interventions: B recommendation by the USPSTF


Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry

At most every 2 years

For all women ≥ 65 : B recommendation by USPSTF

For women < 65 with increased risk as determined by formal screening tools: B recommendation by the USPSTF

For men ≥ 65: I recommendation by the USPSTF

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Behavioral counseling

At least once

For all sexually active adolescents and for adults who have an increased risk of STIs: B recommendation by the USPSTF

Thyroid dysfunction (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism)

Thyroid-stimulating hormone level


For all nonpregnant adults: I recommendation by the USPSTF

Tobacco use

Inquiry about tobacco use

At least once

For all adults: A recommendation by the USPSTF

For all patients who report tobacco use: Cessation counseling and appropriate medications

Visual deficits

Snellen visual acuity test

Yearly as needed

For all adults 65: I recommendation by USPSTF

Blood 25-hydroxyvitamin D level


I recommendation by USPSTF

* Recommendations in the table rely mainly on the USPSTF and sometimes on the CDC and other organizations.

Recommendations vary slightly among different professional societies and groups. USPSTF recommendations are based on strength of evidence and net benefit (benefit minus harm):

  • A = Strong evidence in support

  • B = Good evidence in support

  • C = Balance of benefit and harm too close to justify recommendation

  • D = Evidence against

  • I = Insufficient evidence to recommend for or against

† USPSTF recommends screening only in practices with systems to ensure accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and follow-up.

‡ Global risk factors for ASCVD include hypertension, tobacco use, high blood glucose levels, physical inactivity, and overweight and obesity).

¶ BMI 25 = overweight; BMI 30 = obesity.

AAOS = American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons; ABI = ankle-brachial index; ACC = American College of Cardiology; ADA = American Diabetes Association; AGS = American Geriatrics Society; AUDIT = Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test; AUDIT-C = abbreviated AUDIT Consumption Test; BGS = British Geriatrics Society; BMI = body mass index; HDL-C = high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; IFG = impaired fasting glycemia; IGT = impaired glucose tolerance; MESA = Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis; NA = not applicable; PHQ-2 = Patient Health Questionnaire-2; USPSTF = U.S. Preventive Services Task Force