Medications and Nicotine Replacement Products for Smoking Cessation



Selected Adverse Effects*


Bupropion SR†

7–12 weeks initially (may continue up to 6 months)


Dry mouth

Neuropsychiatric symptoms

Prescription only

Contraindicated by history of seizure, eating disorder, or monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) use within the past 2 weeks

Nicotine gum

Up to 6 months

Mouth soreness


Over-the-counter only

Slow chewing and parking between cheek and gum recommended to maximize blood levels and minimize gastric and esophageal irritation; can be a challenge to use enough gum to adequately address withdrawal; available in different flavors

Nicotine lozenge

Up to 6 months



Mouth sores

Over-the-counter only; available in different flavors and in a mini version; need for frequent dosing can compromise adherence

Nicotine nasal spray

14 weeks

Nasal and pharyngeal irritation

Prescription only

Reaches peak blood levels earlier (in 10 minutes) than other nicotine replacement products

Nicotine patch

10 weeks

Local skin reaction


Vivid dreams

Over-the-counter and prescription

Local skin reactions possibly less likely if location of patch is rotated; can be removed at night if bothered by vivid dreams


12–24 weeks‡

Most commonly, nausea and sleep disturbances

Neuropsychiatric symptoms

Prescription only

*Refer to a drug information resource for more detailed information regarding dosing, adverse reactions, and other safety considerations.

†There have been neuropsychiatric symptoms reported post-marketing, but clinical trial data have not confirmed a causal relationship. A US Food and Drug Administration boxed warning has been removed.

‡ The longer duration of treatment may increase the likelihood of long-term abstinence among patients who have stopped smoking after 12 weeks of varenicline use.

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