Professional edition active

Evaluation of secondary amenorrhea*

Evaluation of secondary amenorrhea*

* Normal values are

  • DHEAS: 250–300 ng/dL (0.7–0.8 mcmol/L)

  • FSH: 5‒20 IU/L

  • Karyotype (female): 46,XX

  • Prolactin: 50 ng/mL (see below)

  • Testosterone: 20–80 ng/dL (0.7–2.8 nmol/L)

Although these values are representative, normal ranges may vary between laboratories.

Prolactin 50–100 ng/mL is considered mildly elevated and is usually due to a drug adverse effect. Prolactin > 100 ng/mL is considered elevated and is more likely to be due to a tumor.

† Some clinicians simultaneously measure FSH and LH levels.

‡ Clinicians should check for the presence of Y chromosome and Fragile X syndrome (premutation for the FMR1 gene).

DHEAS = dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate; FSH = follicle-stimulating hormone; LH = luteinizing hormone; PCOS = polycystic ovary syndrome; TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone.

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