Professional edition active

Classification of Adverse Drug Reactions





No antidote or treatment is required; hospitalization is not prolonged.

ACE inhibitor: Cough

Antidepressants: Dry mouth

Antihistamines (some): Drowsiness


A change in treatment (eg, modified dosage, addition of a medication), but not necessarily discontinuation of the medication, is required; hospitalization may be prolonged, or specific treatment may be required.

Hormonal contraceptives: Venous thrombosis

NSAIDs: Hypertension and edema

Opioids: Constipation


An ADR is potentially life threatening and requires discontinuation of the medication. Specific treatment of the ADR and extended hospitalization stay often is required.*

ACE inhibitors: Angioedema

Macrolide antibiotics: Abnormal heart rhythm


An ADR directly or indirectly contributes to a patient’s death.

Acetaminophen overdosage: Liver failure Acetaminophen overdosage: Liver failure

Anticoagulants: Major hemorrhage

* Komagamine J. Prevalence of urgent hospitalizations caused by adverse drug reactions: a cross-sectional study. Sci Rep. 2024 Mar 13;14(1):6058. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-56855-z. PMID: 38480855; PMCID: PMC10937656.

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