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Portal Vein Thrombosis

ByWhitney Jackson, MD, University of Colorado School of Medicine
Reviewed/Revised May 2024
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Portal vein thrombosis causes portal hypertension and consequent gastrointestinal bleeding from varices, usually in the lower esophagus or stomach. Diagnosis is based on ultrasonography. Treatment involves control of variceal bleeding (usually with endoscopic banding, IV octreotide, or both), prevention of recurrence using beta-blockers, and sometimes surgical shunts and thrombolysis for acute thrombosis.Portal vein thrombosis causes portal hypertension and consequent gastrointestinal bleeding from varices, usually in the lower esophagus or stomach. Diagnosis is based on ultrasonography. Treatment involves control of variceal bleeding (usually with endoscopic banding, IV octreotide, or both), prevention of recurrence using beta-blockers, and sometimes surgical shunts and thrombolysis for acute thrombosis.

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(See also Overview of Vascular Disorders of the Liver.)

Etiology of Portal Vein Thrombosis

Common causes vary by age group (see table Common Causes of Portal Vein Thrombosis ). The cause is multifactorial in most cases and unknown in about one-third of cases (1).


Etiology reference

  1. 1. Northup PG, Garcia-Pagan JC, Garcia-Tsao G, et al: Vascular Liver Disorders, Portal Vein Thrombosis, and Procedural Bleeding in Patients With Liver Disease: 2020 Practice Guidance by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Hepatology 73(1):366-413, 2021. doi: 10.1002/hep.31646.

Symptoms and Signs of Portal Vein Thrombosis

Acute portal vein thrombosis is commonly asymptomatic unless associated with another event, such as pancreatitis (the cause), or another complication, such as mesenteric venous thrombosis. Most often, clinical features—splenomegaly (especially in children) and variceal hemorrhage—develop over a period of time secondary to portal hypertension. Ascites is uncommon (10%) in pre-sinusoidal portal hypertension. Ascites may be precipitated when cirrhosis is also present or when serum albumin (and thus oncotic pressure) deceases after high-volume fluid resuscitation for a major gastrointestinal bleed.

Diagnosis of Portal Vein Thrombosis

  • Clinical evaluation and liver tests

  • Doppler ultrasonography

Portal vein thrombosis is suspected in patients with the following:

  • Manifestations of portal hypertension without cirrhosis

  • Mild abnormalities in liver function or enzymes plus risk factors such as neonatal umbilical infection, childhood appendicitis, or a hypercoagulability disorder

Doppler ultrasonography is usually diagnostic, showing diminished or absent portal vein flow and sometimes the thrombus. Difficult cases may require MRI or CT with contrast. Angiography may be required to guide shunt surgery.

In patients with cirrhosis, venous obstruction due to hepatocellular carcinoma should be excluded with contrast‐enhanced imaging studies. In patients without cirrhosis who have thrombosis of the portal venous system without a clear cause, myeloproliferative disorders or other thrombophilic conditions should be excluded; consultation with a hematologist should be considered (1).

Diagnosis reference

  1. 1. Northup PG, Garcia-Pagan JC, Garcia-Tsao G, et al: Vascular Liver Disorders, Portal Vein Thrombosis, and Procedural Bleeding in Patients With Liver Disease: 2020 Practice Guidance by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Hepatology 73(1):366-413, 2021. doi: 10.1002/hep.31646

Treatment of Portal Vein Thrombosis

  • For some acute cases, thrombolysis

  • Long-term anticoagulation

  • Management of portal hypertension and its complications

In acute cases, thrombolysis is sometimes successful, best reserved for recent occlusion, particularly in hypercoagulable states (1). Anticoagulation does not lyse clots but has some value for long-term prevention in hypercoagulable states despite the risk of variceal bleeding. In neonates and children, treatment is directed at the cause (eg, omphalitis, appendicitis). Otherwise, management is directed at the portal hypertension and its complications; treatment can include octreotide IV (a synthetic analog of somatostatin) and endoscopic banding to control variceal bleeding and nonselective beta-blockers to prevent rebleeding. These therapies have decreased the use of surgical shunts (eg, mesocaval, splenorenal), which can become occluded and have an operative mortality rate of 5 to 50%. Transjugular intrahepatic portosytemic shunting (TIPS) has a limited role in the treatment of and its complications; treatment can include octreotide IV (a synthetic analog of somatostatin) and endoscopic banding to control variceal bleeding and nonselective beta-blockers to prevent rebleeding. These therapies have decreased the use of surgical shunts (eg, mesocaval, splenorenal), which can become occluded and have an operative mortality rate of 5 to 50%. Transjugular intrahepatic portosytemic shunting (TIPS) has a limited role in the treatment ofportal vein thrombosis (2).

Treatment references

  1. 1. Northup PG, Garcia-Pagan JC, Garcia-Tsao G, et al: Vascular Liver Disorders, Portal Vein Thrombosis, and Procedural Bleeding in Patients With Liver Disease: 2020 Practice Guidance by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Hepatology 73(1):366-413, 2021. doi: 10.1002/hep.31646

  2. 2. Valentin N, Korrapati P, Constantino J, et al: The role of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt in the management of portal vein thrombosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 30(10):1187-1193, 2018. doi: 10.1097/MEG.0000000000001219

Key Points

  • Causes of and risk factors for portal vein thrombosis include umbilical cord infection (in neonates), appendicitis (in children), and hypercoagulability states (in adults).

  • Suspect portal vein thrombosis if patients have manifestations of portal hypertension in the absence of cirrhosis or if they have mild, nonspecific liver abnormalities plus risk factors.

  • Confirm the diagnosis using Doppler ultrasonography or, if results are inconclusive, MRI or CT with contrast.

  • Treat the cause of portal vein thrombosis and the complications of portal hypertension.

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