Vulvar Inclusion and Epidermal Cysts

(Vulvar Sebaceous Cysts)

ByCharles Kilpatrick, MD, MEd, Baylor College of Medicine
Reviewed/Revised Feb 2023
View Patient Education

    Vulvar inclusion cysts contain epithelial tissue; vulvar epidermal cysts develop from sebaceous glands. Both cysts eventually enlarge with cellular debris and sometimes become infected.

    Inclusion cysts are the most common vulvar cysts; they may also occur in the vagina. They may result from trauma (eg, laceration, episiotomy repair) that entraps viable epithelial tissue below the surface, or they may develop spontaneously.

    Epidermal cysts (sebaceous cysts) result from obstruction of sebaceous gland ducts.

    Uninfected cysts are usually asymptomatic but occasionally cause irritation; they are white or yellow and usually < 1 cm. Infected cysts may be red and tender and cause dyspareunia.

    Diagnosis of vulvar cysts is clinical.

    Treatment of vulvar cysts, indicated only for symptomatic cysts, is excision. A local anesthetic can be used for a single lesion. For multiple lesions, regional or general anesthesia may be preferred.

    Vaginal Inclusion Cyst
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    Vaginal inclusion cysts are usually small and asymptomatic.
    By permission of the publisher. From Spitzer M, Mann M. In Atlas of Clinical Gynecology: Gynecologic Pathology. Edited by M Stenchever (series editor) and B Goff. Philadelphia, Current Medicine, 1998. (Courtesy of the International Society for the Study of Vulvar Disease.)
    Vulvar Epidermal Inclusion Cysts
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    Multiple, bilateral vulvar epidermal inclusion cysts, previously referred to as sebaceous cysts, are shown.
    By permission of the publisher. From Kaufman R, Brown D. In Atlas of Clinical Gynecology: Gynecologic Pathology. Edited by M Stenchever (series editor) and B Goff. Philadelphia, Current Medicine, 1998.
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