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Older Adults Living Alone

ByDaniel B. Kaplan, PhD, LICSW, Adelphi University School of Social Work
Reviewed/Revised Jan 2025
View Patient Education

    In the United States as of 2023, approximately 28% (16.2 million) of community-dwelling older adults lived alone, including 22% (5.7 million) of older men and 33% (10.5 million) of older women (1). The percentage of people living alone increases with age (ie, among women ≥ 75 years, approximately 42% live alone). Men are more likely to die before their wives, and widowered or divorced men are more likely to remarry than are widowed or divorced women. Approximately 68% of older men were married compared with 47% of older women. In 2023, 29% of older women were widows; there are more than 3 times as many widows (9 million) as widowers (2.9 million). However, in 2023, more than half (59%) of community-dwelling adults age ≥ 65 lived with their spouse or partner.

    Older adults who live alone are more likely to be poor, especially with advancing age. Many report feelings of loneliness, and 25% of those ≥ 65 are considered to be socially isolated (2). In those with health problems or sensory deficits, new or worsening symptoms may be unnoticed. Many have difficulty complying with prescribed treatment regimens. Because they have physical limitations and because eating is a social activity, some older people who live alone do not prepare full, balanced meals, making undernutrition a concern.

    Despite these problems, most older adults living alone express a keen desire to maintain their independence. Many fear being too dependent on others and, despite the loneliness, want to continue to live alone. To help them maintain their independence, physicians should encourage them to engage in regular physical activity and social interactions and should provide social work referrals to help them do so.

    Coordination and delivery of services during convalescence are difficult for patients living alone. Physicians should ensure that home care is available and recommend additional services as appropriate. A passive or individually activated emergency response device may reassure patients that help can be obtained if needed.

    Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many community-based mental health and social care providers have increased capacity for technology-enabled outreach and service.


    1. 1. Administration on Aging. 2023 Profile of Older Americans. Administration for Community Living, May 2024. Accessed October 29, 2024.

    2. 2. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Social isolation and loneliness in older adults: A consensus study report. The National Academies Press.

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