Arginine Vasopressin Resistance

(Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus)

ByL. Aimee Hechanova, MD, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, El Paso
Reviewed/Revised Apr 2024
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Argininevasopressin resistance (AVP-R), formerly known as nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI), is an inability to concentrate urine due to impaired renal tubule response to vasopressin (ADH), which leads to excretion of large amounts of dilute urine. It can be inherited or occur secondary to conditions that impair renal concentrating ability. Symptoms and signs include polyuria and those related to dehydration and hypernatremia. Diagnosis is based on measurement of urine osmolality changes after water deprivation and administration of exogenous vasopressin. Treatment consists of adequate free water intake, thiazide diuretics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and a low-salt, low-protein diet.

(See also Introduction to Renal Transport Abnormalities and Arginine Vasopressin Deficiency.)

Argininevasopressin resistance (AVP-R) formerly known as nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) (1) is characterized by inability to concentrate urine in response to vasopressin. Arginine vasopressin deficiency (AVP-D, formerly known as central diabetes insipidus) is characterized by lack of vasopressin. Both argininevasopressin resistance and argininevasopressin deficiency may be complete or partial.

General reference

  1. 1. Arima H, Cheetham T, Christ-Crain M, et al: Changing the Name of Diabetes Insipidus: A Position Statement of the Working Group for Renaming Diabetes Insipidus. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 108(1):1-3, 2022. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgac547

Etiology of ArginineVasopressin Resistance

AVP-R can be

  • Inherited

  • Acquired

Inherited AVP-R

The most common inherited AVP-R is an X-linked trait with variable penetrance in heterozygous females that affects the argininevasopressin (AVP) receptor 2 gene. Heterozygous females may have no symptoms or a variable degree of polyuria and polydipsia, or they may be as severely affected as males.

In rare cases, AVP-R is caused by an autosomal recessive or autosomal dominant mutation that affects the aquaporin-2 gene and can affect both males and females.

Acquired AVP-R

Acquired AVP-R can occur when disorders (many of which are tubulointerstitial diseases) or medications disrupt the medulla or distal nephrons and impair urine-concentrating ability, making the kidneys appear insensitive to vasopressin. These disorders include the following:

Acquired AVP-R can also be idiopathic. A mild form of acquired AVP-R can occur in any patient who is older or sick or who has acute or chronic renal insufficiency.

In addition, certain clinical syndromes can resemble AVP-R:

  • The placenta can secrete vasopressinase during the second half of pregnancy (a syndrome called gestational diabetes insipidus).

  • After pituitary surgery, some patients secrete an ineffective ADH precursor rather than vasopressin.

Symptoms and Signs of ArginineVasopressin Resistance

Generation of large amounts of dilute urine (3 to 20 L/day) is the hallmark. Patients typically have a good thirst response, and serum sodium remains near normal. However, patients who do not have good access to water or who cannot communicate thirst (eg, infants, older patients with dementia) typically develop hypernatremia due to extreme dehydration. Hypernatremia may cause neurologic symptoms, such as neuromuscular excitability, confusion, seizures, or coma. Ureteral dilation is rare but can occur in severe cases with high urine volumes.

Diagnosis of ArginineVasopressin Resistance

  • 24-hour urine volume and osmolality

  • Serum electrolytes

  • Water deprivation test

AVP-R is suspected in any patient with polyuria. In infants, polyuria may be noticed by the caregivers; if not, the first manifestation may be dehydration.

Initial testing includes 24-hour urine collection (without fluid restriction) for volume and osmolality, and serum electrolytes.

Patients with AVP-R excrete > 50 mL/kg of urine/day (polyuria). If urine osmolality is < 300 mOsm/kg (300 mmol/L; known as water diuresis), arginine vasopressin deficiency or resistance is likely. With AVP-R, urine osmolality is typically < 200 mOsm/kg (200 mmol/L) despite clinical signs of hypovolemia (normally, urine osmolality is high in patients with hypovolemia). If osmolality is > 300 mOsm/kg (300 mmol/L), solute diuresis is likely. Glucosuria and other causes of solute diuresis must be excluded.

Serum sodium is mildly elevated (142 to 145 mEq/L, or 142 to 145 mmol/L) in patients with adequate free water intake but can be dramatically elevated in patients who do not have adequate access to free water.

Water deprivation test

The diagnosis is confirmed by a water deprivation test, which assesses the maximum urine-concentrating ability and response to exogenous vasopressin.

During the test, urine volume and osmolality are measured hourly and serum osmolality is measured every 2 hours. After 3 to 6 hours of water deprivation, the maximal osmolality of urine in patients with AVP-R is abnormally low (< 300 mOsm/kg, or 300 mmol/L). AVP-R can be distinguished from arginine vasopressin deficiency (lack of vasopressin) by administering exogenous vasopressin (aqueous vasopressin 5 units subcutaneously or desmopressin 10 mcg intranasally) and measuring urine osmolality. In patients withargininevasopressin deficiency (AVP-D), urine osmolality increases 50 to 100% over the 2 hours after administration of exogenous vasopressin (15 to 45% in partial argininevasopressin deficiency). Patients with AVP-R usually have only a minimal rise in urine osmolality (< 50 mOsm/kg [50 mmol/L]; up to 45% in partial AVP-R).

Treatment of Arginine Vasopressin Resistance

  • Adequate free water intake

  • Restriction of dietary salt and protein

  • Correction of the cause

  • Sometimes a thiazide diuretic, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), or amiloride

Treatment consists of ensuring adequate free water intake; providing a low-salt, low-protein diet; and correcting the cause or stopping any likely nephrotoxin. Serious sequelae are rare if patients can drink at will.

If symptoms persist despite these measures, medications can be given to lower urine output. Thiazide diuretics (eg, hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg orally once or twice/day) can paradoxically reduce urine output by diminishing water delivery tovasopressin-sensitive sites in the collecting tubules. NSAIDs (eg, indomethacin) or amiloride can also help.

Prognosis for ArginineVasopressin Resistance

Infants with inherited AVP-R may develop brain damage with permanent intellectual disability if treatment is not started early. Even with treatment, physical growth is often delayed in affected children presumably because of frequent dehydration. All complications of AVP-R except for ureteral dilation are preventable with adequate water intake.

Key Points

  • Patients with AVP-R are unable to concentrate urine due to impaired renal tubule response to vasopressin.

  • They typically pass large volumes of dilute urine, are appropriately thirsty and have near-normal serum sodium levels.

  • Minimize preventable neurologic sequelae by considering inherited AVP-R in infants with polyuria or affected family members.

  • Measure 24-hour urine volume and osmolality and serum electrolytes.

  • Confirm the diagnosis with a water deprivation test.

  • Ensure adequate free water intake, restrict dietary salt and protein, and use a thiazide diuretic or amiloride as needed.

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