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Erythema Nodosum

ByJulia Benedetti, MD, Harvard Medical School
Reviewed/Revised May 2024

Erythema nodosum is a form of panniculitis (inflammation of the fat layer beneath the skin) that produces tender red or violet bumps (nodules) under the skin, most often over the shins but occasionally on the arms and other areas.

Topic Resources

  • Erythema nodosum usually is caused by a reaction to a medication, an infection (bacterial, fungal, or viral), or another disorder such as inflammatory bowel disease.

  • Typical symptoms include fever, joint pain, and characteristic painful red bumps and bruises on the person's shins.

  • The diagnosis is based on symptoms and may be supported by results of tests that suggest a possible cause, a chest x-ray, blood tests, and a biopsy.

  • People stop taking suspected medications, underlying conditions or infections are treated, and pain is relieved by bed rest, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and sometimes a corticosteroid.

(See also Overview of Hypersensitivity and Reactive Skin Disorders.)

People in their 20s and 30s, particularly women, are most prone to the disorder, but it can occur at any age.

Quite often, erythema nodosum is a symptom of some other disease or is a reaction to a medication, but the cause is unknown in up to one half of affected people.

The most common triggers include

Other possible triggers include other bacterial infections (such as tuberculosis), viral infections (such as hepatitis B), various medications (such as sulfa antibiotics and oral contraceptives), pregnancy, Behçet disease, and several types of cancer.

Symptoms of Erythema Nodosum

Erythema nodosum nodules are tender and usually appear on the shins. They resemble raised bumps and bruises that gradually change from pink, to red or violet, to bluish brown.

Fever and joint pain are common.

Erythema Nodosum
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This photo shows violet-colored, raised bumps (nodules) caused by erythema nodosum.
Photo provided by Thomas Habif, MD.

Diagnosis of Erythema Nodosum

  • A doctor's evaluation

  • Sometimes a biopsy

The painful nodules are usually the telltale sign for the doctor.

Sometimes a nodule is removed and analyzed with a microscope (biopsy) to confirm the diagnosis.

Other testing is done to look for possible causes and can include a chest x-ray, blood tests, and skin testing for tuberculosis.

Treatment of Erythema Nodosum

  • Leg elevation and cool compresses

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain

  • Treatment of underlying disorders

Erythema nodosum almost always resolves on its own, and the nodules usually go away in 3 to 6 weeks without treatment. Bed rest, cool compresses, elevation of the legs, and NSAIDs may help relieve the pain caused by the nodules. Potassium iodide tablets may be given to decrease inflammation. Erythema nodosum almost always resolves on its own, and the nodules usually go away in 3 to 6 weeks without treatment. Bed rest, cool compresses, elevation of the legs, and NSAIDs may help relieve the pain caused by the nodules. Potassium iodide tablets may be given to decrease inflammation.

Corticosteroids taken by mouth are effective but are given only as a last resort because they can worsen an underlying infection even if one has not been identified.

Medications that might be causing erythema nodosum are stopped, and any underlying infections or disorders are treated. If the disorder is caused by a streptococcal infection, a person may have to take antibiotics, such as penicillin, or a cephalosporin.

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