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MSD Manual
Consumer Version
Quick Facts: Immune Disorders
Allergic Reactions and Other Hypersensitivity Disorders
Allergic Reactions and Other Hypersensitivity Disorders
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Overview of Allergic Reactions
What is an allergic reaction?
What causes an allergic reaction?
What are the symptoms of an allergic reaction?
How do doctors tell if I have an allergic reaction?
How do doctors treat an allergic reaction?
How can I prevent allergic reactions?
Anaphylactic Reactions
What are anaphylactic reactions?
What causes an anaphylactic reaction?
What are the symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction?
How can doctors tell if I have an anaphylactic reaction?
How do doctors treat anaphylactic reactions?
How can I prevent an anaphylactic reaction?
What is angioedema?
What causes angioedema?
What are the symptoms of angioedema?
How can doctors tell if I have angioedema?
How do doctors treat angioedema?
Hereditary and Acquired C1 Inhibitor Deficiency
What are hereditary and acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency?
What causes hereditary or acquired angioedema?
What can trigger an attack of angioedema?
What are the symptoms of hereditary and acquired angioedema?
How can doctors tell if I have hereditary or acquired angioedema?
How do doctors treat hereditary and acquired angioedema?
Blocked airway treatment
Autoimmune Diseases
What is an autoimmune disease?
What causes an autoimmune disease?
What are the symptoms of an autoimmune disease?
How can doctors tell if I have an autoimmune disease?
How do doctors treat an autoimmune disease?
Exercise-Induced Allergic Reactions
What are exercise-induced allergic reactions?
What happens during an exercise-induced allergic reaction?
How do doctors tell if I have an exercise-induced allergic reaction?
How do doctors treat exercise-induced allergic reactions?
Food Allergy
What is a food allergy?
What foods cause allergic reactions?
What are the symptoms of a food allergy?
How can doctors tell if I have a food allergy?
How do doctors treat a food allergy?
What is mastocytosis?
What causes mastocytosis?
What can trigger an attack of mastocytosis?
What are the symptoms of mastocytosis?
How do doctors tell if I have mastocytosis?
How do doctors treat mastocytosis?
Seasonal Allergy
What are seasonal allergies?
What causes seasonal allergies?
What are the symptoms of seasonal allergies?
How can my doctor tell if I have seasonal allergies?
How do doctors treat symptoms from seasonal allergies?
Year-Round Allergies
What are year-round allergies?
What causes year-round allergies?
What are the symptoms of year-round allergies?
How do doctors treat year-round allergies?
How can I prevent symptoms from year-round allergies?