Nonprescription Remedies for Common Cold Symptoms



Some Common Side Effects


Relieve aches and pains and reduce fever


Stomach irritation

Risk of Reye syndrome in children

Stomach irritation

Stomach irritation


Open nasal passages and help relieve sneezing

Drowsiness, dry mouth, and, in older adults, blurred vision, difficulty urinating, constipation, light-headedness when they stand, and confusion

Cough suppressants

May help reduce cough

Confusion and stomach upset

Constipation, drowsiness, difficulty urinating, and stomach upset

Minimal, but at high doses, confusion, nervousness, and irritability

Decongestants, nasal sprays*

Open clogged nasal passages


Rebound congestion (worse congestion when the medication wears off) if the medication is used for more than a few days

Decongestants, oral*

Dries runny nose

Palpitations, high blood pressure, nervousness, and insomnia

Anxiety, dizziness, nervousness, and insomnia


May help loosen mucus

Minimal, but at high doses, headache and stomach upset

* Decongestants and antihistamines (whether alone or combined) should not be given to children under 4 years old.

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