A concussion is an alteration in mental function or level of awareness caused by a head injury. A concussion may involve a loss of consciousness and can occur without obvious damage to brain structures.
(See also Sports-Related Concussion and Overview of Head Injuries.)
In concussion, no brain damage can be detected on imaging tests, such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, brain cells are temporarily damaged or dysfunctional, and the person has noticeable symptoms.
Symptoms of a concussion, which are temporary, include 1 or more of the following:
Confusion: Appearing dazed or stunned and/or answers slowly
Memory loss: Being unable to recall events that occurred just before the injury or just afterward
Double vision
Sensitivity to light
Dizziness, clumsy movements, and problems with balance
Nausea and vomiting
Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
Loss of smell or taste
(See also Overview of Head Injuries.)
Consciousness may be lost for a brief time, rarely for more than 15 minutes. Some people may not realize they have had a concussion.
Postconcussion syndrome refers to certain symptoms that sometimes occur for up to a few weeks after a concussion. These symptoms include 1 or more of the following:
Difficulty sleeping
Problems with short-term memory
Difficulty concentrating
Sensitivity to light or noise
Personality changes, such as irritability or mood swings
Postconcussion syndrome symptoms are common during the week after concussion and commonly resolve during the second week. However, sometimes, symptoms persist for months or, rarely, years. People who have had a concussion also seem to be more susceptible to another one, particularly if the new injury occurs before symptoms from the previous concussion have completely gone away.
To diagnose a concussion, doctors need to make sure brain structures are not damaged. The use of CT, MRI, or both may be needed. If there is no structural brain damage, only the symptoms need be treated.
For concussion, acetaminophen is given for pain. Aspirin or another nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (For concussion, acetaminophen is given for pain. Aspirin or another nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) should not be taken because they interfere with blood clotting and may contribute to bleeding from damaged blood vessels. Rest of both the body and the brain is the best treatment for a concussion.
Treatment for postconcussion syndrome is based on the severity of the symptoms. Rest and close observation are important. If symptoms worsen, people who have had a concussion should be taken to the doctor or hospital for evaluation. Athletes who have had concussions should return to play gradually, after specific steps in their rehabilitation.
People who experience emotional difficulties may need psychotherapy.
People should not return to contact sports after a concussion until all ill effects have resolved and medical evaluation has been completed.
Repeated concussions may increase a person’s risk of dementia, Parkinson disease, and depression in later life.
More Information
The following English-language resource may be useful. Please note that The Manual is not responsible for the content of this resource.
Brain Injury Association of America: Information regarding prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of brain injuries in children and adults