History in People With Acute Abdominal Pain

Questions That Doctors Ask

Possible Responses

Possible Causes or Source

Where is the pain?

See figure Causes of Abdominal Pain by Location.

See figure Causes of Abdominal Pain by Location.

What is the pain like?

Waves of sharp pain that “take the breath away”

Renal or biliary colic (episodes of intense pain in the kidneys or gallbladder)

Waves of dull pain with vomiting

Intestinal obstruction

Colicky pain that becomes steady


Strangulating intestinal obstruction (blockage that cuts off the blood supply to the intestines)

Mesenteric ischemia (blockage of blood flow to part of the intestines due to a blood clot or buildup of fatty materials in an artery)

Sharp, constant pain, worsened by movement


Tearing pain

Aortic dissection (a tear in the inner layer of the aorta)

Dull ache



Kidney infection

Have you had it before?


Recurring problems such as peptic ulcer disease, gallstones, diverticulitis, or mittelschmerz (pain during ovulation, usually the middle of the menstrual cycle)

Did the pain begin suddenly?

Sudden ("like a light switching on”)

Perforated ulcer

Kidney stone

Ruptured ectopic pregnancy

Twisting of an ovary or twisting of a testis

Some ruptured aneurysms

Less sudden

Most other causes

How severe is the pain?

Severe pain

A tear (perforation) in an organ

Kidney stone



Severe pain but a comparatively normal physical examination

Mesenteric ischemia

Does the pain travel to any other part of your body?

Right shoulder blade

Gallbladder pain

Left shoulder region

Ruptured spleen


Pubic bone or vagina

Kidney pain


Ruptured aortic aneurysm


Sometimes perforated ulcer

What relieves the pain?


Peptic ulcer disease


Lying as quietly as possible


What other symptoms occur with the pain?

Vomiting that precedes the pain and is followed by diarrhea


Delayed vomiting, no bowel movements, and no passing of gas (flatulence)

Sudden (acute) intestinal obstruction

Severe vomiting that precedes intense pain in the upper middle of the abdomen, left chest, or shoulder

Perforation of the esophagus

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