Моторні та рефлекторні ефекти дисфункції спинного мозку за сегментарним рівнем

Location of Lesion*

Possible Effects

At or above C5

Respiratory paralysis


Between C5 and C6

Paralysis of legs, wrists, and hands

Weakness of shoulder abduction and elbow flexion

Loss of biceps jerk reflex

Loss of brachioradialis deep tendon reflex

Between C6 and C7

Paralysis of legs, wrists, and hands, but shoulder movement and elbow flexion usually possible

Between C7 and C8

Loss of triceps jerk reflex

Paralysis of trunk, legs, and hands

Between C8 to T1

Horner syndrome (constricted pupil, ptosis, facial anhidrosis)

Paralysis of legs

Between T1 and conus medullaris

Paralysis of legs

* Abbreviations refer to vertebrae; the cord is shorter than the spine, so that moving down the spine, cord segments and vertebral levels are increasingly out of alignment.

At all levels of cord injury, deep tendon reflexes are altered (initially decreased and later becoming brisk) below the level of the lesion, bowel and bladder control is lost, and sensation is lost below the level of injury.