MELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12)

Hemodialysis twice in week prior Yes


MELD Score  
  • The Model of End-stage Liver Disease, or MELD Score is used to estimate relative disease severity and likely survival of patients awaiting liver transplantation.
  • Children under the age of 12 should be assessed by the PELD Score.
  • If a patient has had 2 or more hemodialysis treatments or 24 hours of CVVHD in the week prior to the time of the scoring, Creatinine will be set to 4 mg/dL, the maximum creatinine level allowed in the model.
  • If the patient is between 12 and 17 years old, and has either a urea cycle disorder, organic acidemia or hepatoblastoma, the MELD Score is set at 30.
  • For patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, the PELD/MELD score is increased according to an algorithm established by UNOS (United Network for Organ Sharing.)
  • Additional information about the MELD and PELD scores is at the UNOS website,

Equations used
MELDScore = 10 * ((0.957 * ln(Creatinine)) + (0.378 * ln(Bilirubin)) + (1.12 * ln(INR))) + 6.43



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