Glasgow Coma Scale

Eye Opening

Spontaneous (4 points)

To verbal command (3 points)

To pain (2 points)

None (1 point)
Best Motor Response

Obeys verbal command (6 points)

Localizes painful stimuli (5 points)

Flexion withdrawl from painful stimuli (4 points)

Decorticate response to painful stimuli (3 points)

Decerebrate response to painful stimuli (2 points)

None (1 point)
Best Verbal Response

Oriented conversation (5 points)

Disoriented conversation (4 points)

Inappropriate words (3 points)

Incomprehensible words (3 points)

Incomprehensible sounds (2 points)

None (1 point)

Total Criteria Point Count:


Glasgow Coma Scale

15 Points: Normal
3 to 14 Points: Abnormal


  1. Teasdale G, Jennett B. Assessment of coma and impaired conciousness: a practical scale. Lancet. 1974; 2:81-84. PubMed ID: 4136544 PubMed Logo



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